regdt32-registry editor
msconfig.exe-system configuration utility
services.msc-local service settings
. > devmgmt.msc-Device Manager
Wupdmgr-Windows Update Program
diskmgmt.msc-Disk Management Utility
chkdsk.exe-Check Disk Error
chkdsk c:/ F-check c: disk error and repair
sfc.exe-system file checker
sfc/ Scannow-scan system file errors and recover
cmd.exe-cmd command prompt
sndvol32-volume control program
dxdiag-check directx information
drwtsn32-system doctor
. Cpol.msc-Local Security Policy
Taskmgr-Task Manager
WinMSD-System Information
DVD Play-DVD Player
Winver-Check windows Version
Comp. msoobe / A-Check whether xp activates
dfrg.msc-Disk Defragmenter
Cleanemgr-Garbage Disposal
Explorer-Open Resource Manager
sysedit-System Configuration Editor
Progman. Policy result set
sndrec32-tape recorder
nslookup-IP address detector
Explorer-open resource manager
logoff-logout command
tshutdn-6-second countdown shutdown command.
oobe/msoobe / A-check whether xp activates
notepad-open notepad
net start messenger-start messenger service
net stop messenger-stop messenger service
charmap-start character mapping table
. -start the calculator
regsvr32 /u * . dll-stop running the dll file
Rononce-p-shut down for 15 seconds
rsop.msc-group policy result set
mem.exe-display memory usage
Winchat-XP comes with local area network chat
. Mimgmt.msc-Open windows management architecture
w script-Windows script host settings
wiaacmgr-Scanner and camera wizard
Winchat-XP comes with LAN chat
. Use case
mplayer 2-simple
mspaint-drawing board
mstsc-remote desktop connection
mplayer 2-media player
Magnify-magnifying glass utility program. Synchronization command
dcomcnfg-open system component service
DDE share-open dde*** Enjoy settings
net stop messenger-stop messenger service
net start messenger-start messenger service
notepad-open notepad
nslookup-tool wizard for network management
ntbackup-system backup and restore
narra. Tor-screen narrator
nyessmgr.msc-mobile storage manager
nyessoprq.msc-mobile storage administrator operation request
netstat-an-(TC) Command check interface
syncapp-create a briefcase
sigverif-file signature verification program
sndrec32-tape recorder
shrpubw-create a * * * shared folder
syskey- Double password for protecting windows xp system
tsshutdn-6-second countdown shutdown command
Tour Start-Introduction to xp (roaming XP program after installation)
EventVwr-Event Viewer
EudcEdit-Word-making program
perfmon.msc-computer performance monitoring program
regsvr32/u *. dll-stop running the dll file
regsvr32/ U zipfldr.dll-cancel zip support
ceryesgr.msc-certificate management utility
calc-start calculator
charmap-start character mapping table
Cliconfg-SQL Server client network utility
. -open the clipboard viewer
ciav.msc-index service program
OSK-open the on-screen keyboard
odbcad32-ODBC data source manager < Pin command
IExpress-Trojan binding tool. The system comes with
nslookup-IP address detector
fsmgmt.msc-* * * folder manager
utilman-auxiliary tool manager.