Fake signature photos, so most of the signature photos sold online are forged, which is how they want to make money. In fact, there are not many autographed photos of these stars. Generally speaking, individuals give them to their fans, and sometimes they give some rewards to some fans who participate in activities. They seldom sell their signed photos online, which is also bad for their reputation.
No fans will sell autographed photos. Most people regard their stars as particularly important, so with their autographed photos, they will keep them well and will not sell them online. So these so-called signature photos on the internet are almost not true, even if the signatures are similar, they are forged. Therefore, fans must keep their eyes open when idolizing, and don't be deceived by these businesses.
The reason why these businesses in idolize make fakes is because they calculate the psychology of fans. In their view, fans are willing to pay any price for idolization. So it is normal to buy a signature photo for tens of dollars, so they will make fake signature photos and sell them online. For these businesses, just copying a signature photo can earn tens of dollars. For fans, they paid money and an excited heart, but what followed was a scam. Therefore, fans must keep their eyes open when idolizing, and don't be deceived by some unscrupulous merchants.