A. create a key
B. use the key generated in step a to sign the apk.
Specific operation
Method 1: sign apk (principle) on the command line.
You need Keytool.exe (located in jdk 1.6.0_24\jre\bin directory) to create the key, and use jarsigner.exe (located in jdk 1.6.0_24\bin directory) to sign the apk. After adding the directories where the last two softwares are located to the environment variable path, open the cmd input.
Method 2: Export apk with signature using Eclipse.
Eclipse can directly export the final apk with signature, which is very convenient and recommended.
Method 3: Export apk with signature using IntelliJ IDEA.
The method steps are basically the same as Eclipse, and the approximate operation path is: menu tools->; andr oid-& gt; Export signature apk.