There is one. Sma file is in it. Please use UltraEdit-32 to open it.
Zp_extra_multijump is a prop: multi-jump.
Zp_class_eye is a ghost-eyed zombie.
Wait a minute. Open sma files one by one.
Please note that UltraEdit-32 unsigned "UTF-8" format is used for saving.
Then compile it with "compile.exe". The compilation method is simple. Just drag the file onto the exe file and it will compile successfully. Look for the file you compiled in the "compiled" folder with the suffix. amxx。 Cut the amxx file into the directory "\ cstrike \ addons \ amxmodx \ plugins", compile it, and you can enjoy the game.
I would never ask QQ 298405036 professional zombie players to teach them in person.