The transfer procedure must be carried out by you and him. Only if you agree can the transfer be possible. If he transfers the ownership without you signing, it is very likely that he has forged some documents. , also shows that the transfer procedure is flawed, and the administrative agency that transferred the property is also at fault. You can request to revoke the transfer procedures through administrative reconsideration or administrative litigation. However, if your house is sold to the other party, in principle you are responsible for transferring the property to the other party. , unless you are ready to terminate the house sales contract or plan to sell one house and two houses, the transfer of ownership will have no impact on you. Only after the transfer of ownership can the other party truly obtain the ownership of the house. He has the right to ask you to cooperate with him to complete the transfer procedures. I personally think You should just be emotionally dissatisfied with the fact that he completed the transfer privately without you signing the signature. In fact, there is no need.