signature: generally from stories, allusions, the Book of Songs, the Book of Changes and Buddhist scriptures, representing the theme of a signature.
Signing words: The four-sentence allegorical sayings written according to the signature are generally from poems and folk customs, and most of them are compiled by low-ranking people such as the temple's an tang. In the past, the temples were all responsible for receiving donors, making alms, drawing lots and collecting incense money. In short, they relied on the temple to eat, dress and earn some foreign money. Therefore, many autographs and "poems" have no cultural level, and most of them are to persuade people to donate more incense to goodness for the blessing of the gods.
Postscript: It is mostly from five lines of gossip and Yijing, and it is a divinatory image that some charlatans check according to the number of signs, so that it can be used to answer all kinds of questions of the applicants, which is an extension of releasing the signs.
judgment: explain things such as fame, fortune, marriage, looking for things, etc. in one sentence with the previous divination or signing words, which is mainly used for asking questions from the applicants. So what you originally asked for was "fame", but what you drew was "marriage sign", which can also give you an answer.