In Apollo 17, NASA's last manned mission to the moon, astronaut eugene cernan wrote his daughter's initials on the surface of the moon.
Eugene cernan's signature photo
During the Apollo 17 landing in February, 1972, he and his colleague jack schmitt explored the moon for about 22 hours, drove the lunar rover for more than 35 kilometers and collected a large number of rock samples. Cernan drove the lunar rover for the last time, with a top speed of 18.0 km/h, which was regarded as updating the driving record on the moon.
Just before Thurman finished his mission and was about to leave the moon, he got down on one knee and carefully wrote "TDC" on the ground with his fingers. This is the initials of his daughter Tracy. Because there is no atmosphere or wind on the moon, the name is likely to remain there for one million years or more.
Many years later, Thurman saw astronaut Alan Bean draw a picture, in which the crew of Apollo 17 was on a mission with a huge rock beside it. Thurman said he wanted him to put his daughter's name next to the stone. So Bean painted his name on the rock and named it "the boulder of Tracy".
The doting father, a retired astronaut from NASA and the last man to land on the moon, left us in 20 17. Maybe he will go back to the moon and see if his daughter's name is still there.
For more secrets about hidden things on the moon, please read my popular science article: dollars, cameras, hammers and golf balls. How many "gifts" did Americans throw on the moon? )
Therefore, if you want to write on the moon, you can always pay attention to the dynamics of celestial instruments. Maybe one day, when we explore the moon, we will take your words with us!