1. Different software properties
Ae is a vertical editing software: it mainly edits in seconds or tens of seconds, with an emphasis on special effects synthesis. It is a software that can produce The software for beautiful and dazzling special effects videos has many levels and various special effects settings every second. These levels are arranged vertically, that is, they are arranged vertically for a long time. We call it vertical editing software, also known as vertical editing software. It is post-synthesis software.
Pr is a horizontal editing software: it usually takes one or two hours to edit, and is mainly used in editing and adding subtitles, music, and primary special effects. The timeline is very long, so we call it horizontal editing software.
/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/6159252dd42a28349fca996255b5c9ea15cebf6f"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink">/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/6159252dd42a28349fca99625 5b5c9ea15cebf6f?x- bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2Ch_800%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto"esrc="/6159252dd42a28349fca996255b5c9ea15cebf6f"/>
2. Different usage scenarios
Adobe After Effects, referred to as "AE", is a graphics and video processing software launched by Adobe. It is suitable for organizations engaged in design and video effects, including television stations, animation production companies, personal post-production studios and multimedia studios. Belongs to layer type post software.
Adobe After Effects software can create motion graphics and visual effects, 2D and 3D compositions, and preset effects and animations to create user-defined effects for movies, videos, DVDs, and Macromedia Flash works.
Adobe Premiere is a video editing tool. Improve creative abilities and creative freedom. Premiere provides a complete set of processes for capture, editing, color correction, audio beautification, subtitle addition, output, and DVD burning. Suitable for solving problems encountered in editing, production, and workflow.
3. Different levels of difficulty
AE (AfterEffects) is a brother product of Premiere. It is a set of dynamic graphics design tools and special effects synthesis software. It has a more complex structure and more difficult learning difficulty than Premiere, and is mainly used in MotionGraphic design, media packaging and VFX (visual effects).
Premiere is an editing software, used for combining and splicing video segments, and provides certain special effects and color correction functions. Premiere and AE can work together through Adobe dynamic links to meet video production needs.
Reference source/www.baidu.com/link?url=giYsFMAAhlWl7N_gHX63ugg48ekO3D3yN31hEtTzwL5SegmVjPXM3vlppeugz98_&wd=&eqid=9ac4aec100093c38000000035cb49b20"target="_blank">Baidu Encyclopedia—adobepremiere
Reference source/baike. baidu.com/item/Adobe%20After%20Effects/5452364?fromtitle=ae&fromid=1368576"target="_blank">Baidu Encyclopedia—AdobeAfterEffects