BEC Writing Guidance - Format Issues
1. Format Issues:
Use flat style writing in BEC writing
Close The name and address of the letter writer are placed in the upper left corner of the letter paper
There is no punctuation mark after the address, salutation and closing words
The date is placed in the upper right corner
The paragraph starts from a fixed frame Initially, the line spacing between paragraphs is two lines (but due to the limit of the answer sheet in the exam, students are asked to consider it as appropriate)
The name and title of the writer are below the signature
2. Notes on salutations and closing remarks:
The writing of salutations follows the following principles:
Dear Sir or Madam - writing to a certain company, not sure about the specific address Recipient
Dear Sir - To a man, but you don’t know his specific name
Dear Madam - To a woman, but you don’t know his specific name
Dear Mr Smith - for men
Dear Ms Smith - for married or unmarried women
Dear Mrs Smith - for married women
Dear Miss Smith - to an unmarried lady
Dear John (where John is a common male name in English) - to a friend or someone you are familiar with (usually a business partner for many years)
There is a corresponding relationship between the salutation and the closing words, please pay special attention to:
Dear Sir or Madam——Yours faithfully
Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss —— Smith Yours sincerely
Dear John Best wishes
The following are incorrect usages:
Dear Mr John
Dear Mr John Smith
3. Date:
In British English, the day comes first, but in American English, the month comes first. Therefore, certain special periods are prone to misunderstanding. For example: 12 06 2003
In the UK it means: June 21st
In the US it means: December 6th
So the date should be written as : 12 June 2003
Remember that months begin with a higher letter. You don’t have to write th, rd, nd or st for divas
Hope this helps!