Key generation tool -Keytool
Path: JDK/bin/keytool.exe.
Generate key: keytool-genkeypair-keystoretest.keystore-alias test-validity10-keyalg RSA.
Where -validity specifies the number of valid days and -keyalg specifies the algorithm.
Check the key information: keytool-list-v-keystoretest.keystore.
JDK signature tool -jarsigner
Only V 1 signatures are supported.
Path: JDK/bin/jarsigner.exe.
Command: jarsigner-keystoretest.keystoretest.apktestkey.
Apk signature tool -apksigner
By default, the signatures of V 1 and V2 are turned on.
Path: androidsdk/build-tools/28.0.0/apksigner.bat.
Command: apk signer sign-ksxx.keystore-ks-key-alias test key test.apk.