"Saints Row 3" mainly tells the beginning of the story. Players will play the role of an elite member of a criminal organization. The third-generation game still plays the custom heroes from the previous game, while introducing an upgrade system called "San Andreas style". And the game cancels the online multiplayer mode and supports cooperative mode.
"Saints Row 3" cheats
Game cheats
Use phone=Extras=Cheats to enter the following cheats:
Character attributes
Cheats Function
cheese$100,000 letsrock weapon goldengun golden gun (one hit kill) runfast unlimited sprint vroom no vehicle damage repaircar vehicle repair whatitmeanstome+reputation pissoffpigs+police badge goodygoody no police badge lolz+gang star oops no gang star
Get a vehicle
Cheats function
giveembulanceambulancegiveanchorAnchorgiveattrazioneAttrazionegivebootleggerprivatesea_bootsgivechallengerpick_givecommanderrefers_officialgivecondorvulturegiveeagleeaglegiveestradaEstradagivevtolF69helicoptergivegatmobileGatmobilegivekanadaKanadagivekenshinKenshingiveknoxvilleKnoxvillegivekrukovKrukov givemiamiMiamigivemunicipalMunicipalgivenforcerNforcergivepeacemakerPeacemakergivepheonixPhoenixgivereaperharvest givesandstorm sandstorm (very dirty bike) giveshark shark (private boat) givespectre ghost givesquasar Role
givesheperd45SheperdgiveapocaApocafistsgivear55AR55giveultimaxAS3Ultimaxgivebaseballbaseball batgivechainsawchainsawgivecybersmgCyberBlastergivecyberCyberBustergiveblossomD4THBlossomgiveelectricelectric grenadegiveflamethrowerflamethrowergiveflashbangflashbanggivediggerGraveDiggergivegrenadegrenadegivekrukovK -8KrukovgivekobraKA-1KobragivelauncherM2 grenade launchergivesniperMcManus2015giveminigunminigungivemolotovMolotovgiveswordnocturnegivecgunRCPossesorgivedroneReaperDronegiveshieldriot shieldgiverpgbazookagivehammerS3XHammergiveairstrikeSA-3Airstrikegivesatchelexplosive packgiverocket hammergivesonicSonicBoomgivestungunsemi-automatic tasergivetekTEKZ-10givedildoThePenetratorgiveslm8 Viper laser rifle
Cheats function
Cheats function
notrated blood club fryhole dead corpse ascended to heaven isquishyou vehicle destruction dui drunk (pedestrian drunk) mascot pedestrians become mascots hohoho pedestrians become prostitutes and prostitutes brains zombies (Pedestrians become zombies)
Note: Using cheats will cause achievements and automatic saves to be turned off
Hidden cheats
I don’t know why, Saints Row 3 included some cheats The codes are closed. These cheat codes are actually inherited from Saints Row 2. There is a mod that can open these hidden cheat codes.
Just unzip and place them in the main game directory. Then enter the game and select EXTRA -CHEAT input.
Cheats function
moonwalker low gravity nohud no Hudticktock change time of day turkeyburgers god mode werecars invincible car shitstorm passerby war fuckimhuge player becomes bigger sotiny player becomes smaller itsrainingmen fall from the sky Passersby