Luo Ruoguang: The light of Ruomu in ancient mythology. Suitable for boys' names. From the poem "Looking at Autumn in the Suburbs and Replying to Dr. Yin" by Jiang Yan of the Southern Dynasties: "Half of the scenery belongs to me, and I appreciate you as if you were the first to shine."
When our children grow up, what kind of name will make them happy? What is he proud of? I think cultural connotation and educational significance are the most important. Names with cultural connotations can be conceived from aspects such as season, era, place of birth, poetry, philosophy, idioms, hopes, etc. If the surname is cleverly combined, the name will be more effective with less effort. The charm in it is intriguing and is like good news. This song is just Because it exists in heaven, how many times can it be heard in the human world, and the lingering sound lingers for three days without stopping.