Personally, Mofen is the most cost-effective among Fender. If you are not using it to burn bags or show off, Mofen is definitely the best choice, it is affordable! practical! Good quality!
Of course, when it comes to timbre, there is definitely a gap between Meifen and Meihao. If the timbre of Meifen is 100, Meihao is 105, and Mofen is 95. Personally, I think there is really no need to spend money on that little timbre improvement. So much money
Of course, the sound of fender is the typical fender sound; generally solos can handle it, but if funk uses Mo Fen’s tele, it will be a magical tool! Metal... is really not Fender's strong point; rock is still quite classic, and if you're into punk, you'll want to buy a Mofen Jaguar, which is simply made for punk garages!