Thank?you?for?your?continued?help,without?which,I?can't?do?well?inmy?English?study. ?.
lt's?universally?acknowledged?that?you're?a?experienced?teacher,whocan?make?each?clalovely?and?interesting?by?telling?stories,singing?a?songand ?even?playing?some?games.
The ?twentieth?Teacher's?Day?is?coming,l?wish?you?happy?andsuccein?everything?.
A good thank you letter does not need to be too long. Don't express your gratitude too much, just keep it simple and sincere.
1. Greeting
In most cases, "Hi [Name]" is enough. However, in a slightly more formal context, such as writing to your leader, HR manager, or your professor, "Dear [Name]" would be more appropriate. But if it's in a very formal context, "Dear Ms/Mr. [Last Name]," should be used.
2. Text
First explain what the recipient specifically helped you. While an occasional general thank you is fine, being specific about what you helped will appear more sincere. Compare the following two statements:
General thanks: Thanks for always being willing to lend a hand when I need you
Specific thanks: Thanks for putting in extra time to make our presentation a success.
Then list the relevant details of the help, including what the other party has done that you think is particularly useful, or what aspects of help are far beyond ordinary people. Don't underestimate the details. Telling these details will make the recipient fully feel how much you value his or her efforts.
3. Ending
Usually writing "Thanks again" at the end of the letter and attaching your signature is enough.
If you want to quickly send a thank you note to someone, using email is a good choice. But if it is for help on some important occasions, such as an interview at a law firm, it would be better to send a handwritten thank-you letter. Think about the scenarios in which you receive help and make appropriate choices.