Reference translation
Ouyang Gong, the name is taboo, and the words are getting bigger and bigger. Because he is a civilian, he will not accept immoral gifts; When he was young, some of his relatives and friends became big officials, and Ouyang Gong never came to his house. He did his job well and handled things with great courage. At first, I was an official in Suizhou, and 36 cases were difficult to decide. Hundreds of monks gathered in Qifeng Temple in Dahongshan, and the transshipment made them suspect that a large amount of property accumulated in the temple was illegally obtained by monks, so they sent Ouyang Gong to confiscate the property in the temple. The monks gave Ouyang Gong 1,200 pieces of silver, and Ouyang Gong smiled and said, "Where do I need these things? But can you listen to me? There is a serious famine this year, and you have 60,000 to 70,000 stones of grain, which can be donated to the government to help the victims, so I won't confiscate your property. The monks agreed happily, "Yes. "Hungry people live on these grains. Chen Yaozi, who has a lot of money, is so arrogant that his subordinate officials dare not look up at him. When he was in Jiangling, he used privately minted coins to pass off as gold sold by the government. Government officials took the documents and forced subordinate officials to sign them. Ouyang Gong rebuked the official: "The gold sold by the government should have tattoos on it. "Only he refused to sign the document. Although Chen Yaozi was afraid of him and didn't insist on his signature, he gently advised Ouyang Gong to drive him out of the yamen and prevent him from being an official in Suizhou. Chongyang county in Ezhou has always been famous for its refractory treatment, so Ouyang Gong was transferred to administer Chongyang. There, more than 100 cases have not been decided. Wang Ming, a county citizen, and thomas lee, his half-brother, have been fighting for family property for many years. Wang can't share his property alone, so he is so poor that he can only make a living by doing odd jobs. Ouyang Gong made a judgment in one sentence, and Li Tong completely pleaded guilty and returned all the tens of thousands of yuan of property belonging to Wang Ming. Thomas lee left the court without complaint. There are also people in Guiyang who fight for ships and beat each other, causing death. This case can't be decided for a long time. Ouyang Gong personally came to the prison where they were held, let these prisoners out of the cell, sat in the hall, opened the shackles on them, gave them a meal, comforted them after eating, and sent them all back to the cell, leaving only one person in the hall. Those who stayed changed their faces and looked around in fear. Ouyang Justice: "It was you who killed people. "The prisoner doesn't know why Ouyang Gong came to such a conclusion. Ouyang Gong said: "I observed that people who eat are holding knives (chopsticks) in their right hands. Only you used your left hand, and the victim's right rib was injured. It is obvious that you killed this man. " The prisoner said with tears, "I killed him, and I dare not involve others." "Ouyang Gong handles things clearly, like a good official in ancient times. Most of his methods of solving crimes are like this. When he was an official in Chongyang, people loved and missed him.