The method of making personal seal with photoshopcc20 14 software is:
1, open ps software, and create a new layer through "File-New" 340*340 white background file;
2. Use the rectangular marquee tool to draw a square (hold down the shift key) selection, "Edit-Stroke", and stroke 8 pixels in red;
3. Click the "T" text tool on the left toolbar, set the font color and font, enter the stamp, and press ctrl+t to adjust the font size and position;
4. Rasterize the text, merge the layers, and "Filter-Filter Library-splash"; Stamp effect such as "filter-blur-Gaussian blur";
5. Close the "background layer" and "file-save as" png format pictures, so that when you need to stamp them, you can open them and use them;
6. Use the "Cutting Tool" to cut the seal to a suitable size, open "Edit-Define Brush Preset" and use the prepared seal as a brush, so that when using the seal in the future, you can directly open the "Brush Tool", find the seal brush, and click it where necessary.