RP stands for taking medicine
P.O stands for taking this medicine orally
INJ. stands for injection
MIXT. stands for mixture
TAD. stands for tablet
SOL. stands for solution
co. stands for compound
PR. stands for enema
i. I.V stands for intravenous injection
i.v.gtt. stands for intravenous drip
IH stands for subcutaneous injection
IM stands for intramuscular injection
O.M stands for every morning
O.N stands for every night
HS. stands for sleeping with
AM. stands for morning
PM. P.c. stands for
SOS after meals. It stands for once
ST. It stands for immediately
QD stands for once a day
BID stands for twice a day
TID stands for three times a day
QID stands for once every other day
QH stands for once an hour
Q2H stands for once every two hours. Q3H means once every three hours, and so on
MCG means microgram
MG means milligram
G means gram
ML means milliliter
SIM means usage
Source: Internet.