Electronic signature in a broad sense refers to electronic signature including various electronic means. This definition stipulates that as long as certain conditions are met, the electronic signature has the same legal effect as the traditional signature, without limiting the technology that should be adopted for the electronic signature that meets the specified conditions. The Model Law on Electronic Signature of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law defines the typical concept of general electronic signature. The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act of the United States, the Electronic Transactions Draft of Australia and the electronic signature laws of New Zealand and other countries also adopt broad concepts. Generalized electronic signature is based on the functional analysis and recognition of traditional signature. Its extensive extension has left a broad space for the development of new technologies, but it is easy to lead to technical confusion because of its various standards and forms. More importantly, many signature methods lack security, which makes them impractical.
Narrow electronic signature
In a narrow sense, electronic signature is a signature with a certain electronic signature technology as a specific means, usually referring to digital signature, which is generated by asymmetric encryption method. This definition only clarifies the legal effect of electronic signatures using a certain technology, but does not stipulate the legal effect of electronic signatures using other technologies. Its characteristic is that only the sender of the information can generate it, and no one else can forge it. The generated digital string is also a proof of the authenticity of the information sent by the sender. This definition is adopted in the draft uniform rules for electronic signatures of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. In a narrow sense, electronic signature takes specific technology as an effective signature means to ensure the security of signature. This method adopts unified technology and standard, and it is easy to standardize the signature in business activities. The technology it uses is clearer and more mature than that used by generalized electronic signature, and its application scope is wider than that of generalized electronic signature.
Compromise electronic signature
Compromise electronic signature is enhanced electronic signature, also known as secure electronic signature or enhanced electronic signature. It refers to an electronic signature that can achieve the same function as the traditional signature after a certain security application. Its concrete form is open, and any technical method that can achieve the same effect can be included. This concept emphasizes the effectiveness of electronic signature, but it is generalized as much as possible in its concrete implementation to include various technical means, thus leaving room for other technical means that can achieve the same function besides digital signature. This definition recognizes that all secure electronic signatures have the same effect as handwritten signatures, and recommends certain security conditions and standards on the basis of internationally recognized mature technologies. In terms of time, the concept of eclectic electronic signature appeared at the latest, which is the latest signature method with the development of science and technology.
The broad concept of electronic signature includes eclectic electronic signature, and eclectic electronic signature includes narrow concept of electronic signature. The concept of eclectic electronic signature increases the requirements for the security of electronic signature on the basis of the concept of generalized electronic signature, but the difference between narrow electronic signature and eclectic electronic signature lies in the different technical scope: narrow electronic signature designates a certain technology as an effective electronic signature means by enumerating; Compromise electronic signature generally puts forward the basic standard of secure signature.