1, 10 days before the test date, you can apply for cancellation of the test. If you successfully apply to cancel the exam, you will get a refund equivalent to 50% of the exam fee, and the remaining 50% of the TOEFL fee will be used to pay for your registration and reserve seats in the examination room.
2. Refunds will not be processed automatically. After canceling the application online, you must fax the refund application to the TOEFL online test call center of the examination center of the Ministry of Education, including your NEEA.
ID card, name, date of birth, signature, ID number and copy of ID card, etc. , and then call the call center to confirm the refund. The refund application form can be downloaded from the examinee's notes.
There are three kinds of TOEFL test, namely written test, computer test and online test. New TOEFL full score 120. The TOEFL test is valid for two years, counting from the date of the test.