Create table tb (
ID int identifies the primary key,
Item varchar (10),-product number
Quantityint,-number of transactions
Flagbit,-transaction sign, 1 stands for receipt, and 0 stands for delivery, which can effectively distinguish returns (negative numbers).
Date Date Time)-Transaction Date
Insert tb SELECT 'aa', 100, 1,' 2005- 1- 1'
UNION ALL SELECT 'aa ',90, 1,' 2005-2- 1 '
UNION ALL SELECT 'aa ',55,0,' 2005-2- 1 '
UNION ALL SELECT 'aa ',- 10, 1,' 2005-2-2 '
Combine all options' aa', -5, 0,' 2005-2-3'
UNION ALL SELECT 'aa ',200, 1,' 2005-2-2 '
UNION ALL SELECT 'aa ',90, 1,' 2005-2- 1 '
UNION ALL SELECT 'bb ',95, 1,' 2005-2-2 '
Union Election' bb', 65, 0,' 2005-2-3'
UNION ALL SELECT 'bb ',- 15, 1,' 2005-2-5 '
UNION ALL SELECT 'bb ',-20,0,' 2005-2-5 '
UNION ALL SELECT 'bb ', 100, 1,' 2005-2-7 '
UNION ALL SELECT' cc', 100, 1,' 2005- 1-7'
go to
-Query time period definition
Declare @dt 1 date time, @dt2 date time.
Select @dt 1='2005-2- 1', @dt2='2005-2- 10'
-Count the amount of data that is not available in the time period (delete the query if it is not needed)
Select the project,
Date=CONVERT(char( 10),@dt 1, 120),
Beginning = sum (when Flag= 1, the quantity is otherwise-the quantity ends),
Balance = sum (when Flag= 1, the quantity is otherwise-the quantity ends)
From tb a
Where the date & lt@dt 1 does not exist (
SELECT * FROM tb where item = a. Item and date & gt@dt 1 and date & ltDATEADD(Day, 1, @dt2)).
Group by project
Joint ownership
-Transaction data for a specific period of time.
Select the project,
Date=CONVERT(char( 10),Date, 120),
Opening=ISNULL (select SUM (when Flag= 1, the quantity is ELSE- the quantity ends).
Starting from tb, where item = a. Item and date < minutes (date)), 0),
[IN]= is null(SUM(Flag = 1 and Quantity & gt0 ends), 0),
[in _ retry] = is null (sum (flag =1and Quantity & lt0 THEN- end of quantity), 0),
[OUT]=ISNULL(SUM (when Flag=0 and Quantity & gt0 ends), 0),
[OUT _ Return]= is null(SUM(Flag = 0 and Quantity & lt0 THEN- end of quantity), 0),
Balance=ISNULL (select SUM (if Flag= 1, the quantity is ELSE- the quantity ends).
Starting from tb, where item = a. Item and date < = max (date), 0)
From tb a
Where date & gt=@dt 1 and date & ltDATEADD(Day, 1, @dt2).
GROUP BY CONVERT (character (10), date, 120), project
Sort by project and date
IN _ Retrun OUT OUT _ Return balance at the beginning of project date
- - - - - - - -
aa 2005-02-0 1 100 180 55 0225
aa 2005-02-02 225 200 10 0 4 15
aa 2005-02-03 465438
bb 2005-02-02 095 00 95
bb 2005-02-03
30 0 15 0 20 35
35 100 0 135
cc 2005-02-0 1 100 0 0 0 100
- */
Itjob wishes you success.