The original bill of lading is generally a marine bill of lading, which has three originals and three copies, and sometimes it is marked with the word "original". The bill of lading is officially signed and sealed by the carrier, and the date of issue is indicated. You send this to the customer together with other documents, and the customer can pick up the goods with the original bill of lading.
There is also an electric bill of lading or an electric bill of lading.
When you are sure to receive the payment from the customer, ask the freight forwarder for the electric number and tell the customer that you can use the electric number to pick up the goods.
Electronic bill of lading refers to the copy, photocopy or fax of the bill of lading marked "submitted" or "telex release" issued by the shipping company or its agent. Send this to the customer together with other documents, so that the customer can pick up the goods by telex.