How to write the name and signature of fire ants?
The signature of red ant's personality is: sudden luster, stability and fierceness. Red ants are ants who can't find food, can't work, and can't even eat the food placed in front of them. In order to survive, red ants have to rob the larvae of black ants in an immoral way and feed them at home. When those black ants grow up, red ants regard black ants as slaves. Black ants should treat red ants like kings all their lives. Red ants and other black ants will rob a batch of black ants' larvae and feed them at home when they are old. Red ants are very cautious about the environment and indoor temperature and are most afraid of cold air. When the indoor temperature is lower than 6℃, the red ants will not go out for food, and the red ants have strong reproductive ability and fast speed. Most red ants live in the cracks in the tiles of kitchen and bathroom floors. They are all red, and their mouths are like pliers, so it is difficult to escape their clutches. There is a poisonous needle in the scorpion's tail. If a poisonous needle hits an insect, it will be poisoned. .