Generally speaking, it doesn't matter if you give up the written exam. Candidates who give up the national exam can sign up as long as they meet the requirements for the provincial exam. Abandoning the written test is regarded as voluntarily giving up the written test, which has no influence on the credit of candidates and does not affect the subsequent national examination and other civil service examinations.
note: the examination fee will not be refunded for candidates who voluntarily abandon the examination.
The following acts in the national examination will be recorded as the integrity file of civil servants:
Candidates who violate discipline and other dishonest acts will be recorded in the integrity file of the civil service recruitment examination as an important reference for the civil service recruitment inspection.
▼ Generally, it includes the following aspects ▼
1. Candidates have dishonest behaviors such as cheating and taking the test during the examination process (including written examination and interview);
2. The dishonesty in the performance link is mainly manifested as the following: the candidate has confirmed his participation in the interview but abandoned the exam on the day of the interview for no reason;
3. In the registration process, some candidates have already passed the written test, interview, inspection, physical examination, publicity and filing, and then proposed to give up their employment qualifications.
For the above links, the most easily ignored by candidates is to give up the employment qualification at will after being admitted to the civil service, which will also be included in the civil service integrity file and even be punished accordingly.