Enter "cmd" in the run dialog box of the Windows XP start menu to open the command line window, and enter "regedit" to open the registry. The use of "Run" is limited to entering a few English letters to open a certain program.
There are many other commands available, so I won’t list them all. For details, please refer to:
/link?url=69v_x3aQPUJODU9 -GlfKyAFZ20bDZpVDp5HViPWLg1ENwF-O5p2pheuenHVoWf6pXA1aaymdDE6m8Fym4xR_Kq
In fact, there are many little-known skills in "running".
1) Use "." and "" to open the specified folder?
Enter "." in "Run" to open the "User" under "Documents and Settings" " folder; enter two "." to open the "Documents and Settings" folder. Enter "" to open the C drive.
2) View the full path of a certain file. Sometimes you may not be able to view the full path of a certain file. To view the full path of this file, just drag the file directly to "Run" The full path to the file will be displayed in the "Open" column.
3) Restore the original appearance of IE. Use IE browser to browse the web. Its settings are often modified for no reason. For example, the title bar, homepage, etc. are maliciously tampered with. Just use "Run" to repair it. In "Run", enter "rundll32.exe iedkcs32.dll, clear" and press Enter to change IE to its original appearance.
There are also many techniques in this area. For details, please refer to: /link?url=wTVpmkV7uibsk24biG_Vef2tlegiptFAB8x0-qXwRVA401qD-jt12bZJI3vxCxRxseIs9mbPaEtltO0IByo3d6iX3JwdHTzt-wlN4-y5pNa