What's the difference between an endorser and an endorsee?
The difference between the endorser and the endorsee is whether to deliver the hand-held bill to others or accept the bill delivered by others. \x0d\ 1。 First of all, understand what endorsement is. \x0d\ Endorsement is a bill behavior and an important way of bill transfer. \x0d\ Endorsement means that the holder signs the back of the bill and delivers it to the transferee. The bearer here is called an endorser, and the transferee is called an endorsee. \x0d\ In short, A has drawn a draft for B, with A as the drawer and B as the holder and transferee; B sends this draft to C, writes down the situation on the back of the draft and signs his name B. At this time, B is the endorser, C is the endorsee, and C becomes the new holder; And so on. \x0d\ The endorsee is the transferee of the bill, and he has the right to obtain all the rights of the endorser on the bill. \x0d\2。 How to distinguish between endorser and endorsee? \x0d\ The person who signs the back of the bill first is the endorser. However, because the endorsement of the bill is coherent, the endorser only corresponds to the endorsee. \x0d\ The last holder of the ticket must be the endorsee 1, and the person who endorses him is the endorser 1. But this endorser 1, in the previous delivery, he was endorsee 2, and his previous hand was endorser 2.