This proves that the hardware you are using has not passed Microsoft Logo Certification (WHQL)
What is Microsoft Logo Certification (WHQL)?
This starts with the history of Microsoft. After Microsoft's great success with Windows 95, a large number of related companies began to make various applications for the Windows operating system. After the release of Windows 98, the WINDOWS system It has basically monopolized the field of personal operating systems in the world. At this time, users found that WINDOWS 98 began to become unstable. They often found crashes, errors, and system slowdowns. This situation caused Microsoft to receive A large number of service feedback and complaints (of course, except the Chinese market, mainly the US and European markets), users began to be dissatisfied with Microsoft. In order to solve these problems, Microsoft began to use a more stable system kernel, which is WINDOWS NT (originally developed together with IBM The technology accumulated during OS/2 was originally used for servers), and WINDOWS 2000 was released. Later, it began to focus on user experience and launched WINDOWS XP. At this time, the WINDOWS system began to truly "take root in the hearts of the people."
During this period, Microsoft took a large number of measures to ensure the stability of the operating system, one of which was whql certification (Windows Hardware Quality Lab). The most serious problem in WINDOWS was the "blue screen". Blue screens are usually caused by hardware device drivers. Drivers are in the middle layer between the system kernel and applications and can also use the kernel's memory. Therefore, driver instability will directly lead to system blue screens.
Whql certification uses Microsoft's test platform to conduct strict tests on devices and drivers. Those that pass the test will basically not cause system failure.
To put it simply: it is the abbreviation of Windows Hardware Quality Labs. is a hardware compatibility test (HCT) tool that creates and manages systems and peripherals used to test systems and peripherals with the Microsoft Windows operating system. Manufacturers use HCT to test their hardware products in order to qualify to use the "Designed for Windows" logo and to list their products on the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) and Windows Catalog. Microsoft offers the Windows Logo Program to help customers identify systems and peripherals that meet the basic definition of platform characteristics and ensure a high-quality Windows experience for end users.
WHQL certification is a business plan used to identify high-quality PC systems and component products for the Windows platform. Obtaining whql certification and obtaining the right to use the Windows logo is a process of product standardization, internationalization and branding. Mastering the whql testing and certification process is a must for hardware manufacturers producing new generation PCs and peripheral devices.