1. When spring leaves, summer is resurrected with full blood; when worries leave, happiness is resurrected; when you leave, longing is resurrected. Easter is here, remember the beauty of resurrection.
2. Liu Ying clapped her hands excitedly and gave orders. Everyone who had been in mourning suddenly came back to life with full health, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and began to work nervously.
3. Liu Ming was resurrected with full blood. Ji Xueying, who had been in tears just now, immediately burst into tears and smiled. The smile on her pretty face was like a rose blooming in the middle of the night, fragrant and fragrant.
4. Every time I think about being bound by those stupid people and things in my limited life, a senseless fighting spirit will arise spontaneously, and I will instantly be resurrected with full blood. Ma Liang?
5. Although it is said that "you are full of love", if you look deeper, it should be the luxurious hotels in the film that recharge him after every fight and revive him with full blood; and those that make " A mysterious resting place for "bad guys" to keep a low profile.
6. The Spring Equinox is here, sleeping things are awakening, infinite vitality is resurrecting, the fields of hope are sprouting, the warm spring breeze is blowing, the beautiful spring is coming, and warm greetings are coming. service. May you be happy and enjoy spring!
7. Those sung poems are slowly resurrected in the sunlight. The reeds linger and cover the quicksand and pupils, leaving only the legend you carved on the tombstone, expanding into a tuneless ballad in the wind.
8. As long as you hold on to hope, the dead will will be resurrected in your heart.
9. Spring is like a magical Santa Claus. She resurrects all things in an instant, making all things dance like a pure and pure girl. She is extremely cute and full of vitality and vitality; she makes all things come alive. The tree put on dazzling clothes, which was very moving. She made the grass wear extremely bright hairpins, which was beautiful and moving.
10. Life is a series of death and resurrection.
11. Life can be resurrected perfectly in love and family.
12. The history of death will be resurrected with full blood, and the history of the past will become the present. This is all because the development of life requires them. Croce?
13. Love stirs up active emotions, it can resurrect the dead heart with blood, it can make the desert inhabited, it can make the lover's phantom reappear...
p>14. I often feel that if a country dies, it is not terrible. It can be resurrected with full health. If the country’s culture dies, it will never stand up again.
15. If I had seventy-two changes, I would develop a machine that can restore the disaster scene to its original state in an instant, revive all the people who were killed with full health, and reduce the country's losses.