Using this tool can eliminate the need to repeatedly encrypt applications when encrypting data files. When encrypting the data file, you can choose to encrypt it with different feature ID, or the percentage of the initial data that is not encrypted (for example, 10% of the initial data of the video file is reserved for free users to preview), or bind the data file to a specific super dog. (If you choose to bind a specific super dog, the existence of a specific super dog will be detected during the operation).
■ Protecting multimedia courseware Super Dog has obvious advantages in protecting video and audio files: it can directly protect multimedia files without encrypting third-party players. End users can enjoy your intellectual achievements through Windows Media Player after plugging in the super dog hardware. You can control the number and time limit of playing multimedia files. Users can be allowed to listen to and try audio and video files, and users can access all file contents through super dog hardware after paying.
■ Add code implantation function.
Using the code implantation function, the shell tool will automatically extract the code in the protected application and upload it to the super dog for execution when the program is running. This further enhances the correlation between superdogs and protected applications, making it almost impossible to successfully disassemble and crack programs. Thereby remarkably improving the security of the application program protected by the super dog.
Code implantation is automatically completed by the shell, without any code compilation and conversion by the developer; For the upgraded application, the developer only needs to re-shell, without updating the released dog hardware; Code implantation is based on white-box protection technology, and the process of code transmission and execution is safer; When the program runs, the encryption algorithm will be automatically transmitted to the dog's hardware for execution. This method will not occupy the dog's storage space, and can run more and more complex encryption algorithms, so the security strength is more secure.
The shell tool uses the mapping file corresponding to the application to analyze the functions in the application and check which functions are suitable for uploading to the super dog for execution. These appropriate functions will be listed in the main pane of the Code Implantation tab of the shell tool.
In addition to generating a list of protectable functions by mapping files, if your application contains export functions, you can also use the export menu to identify protectable functions. When code implantation is enabled, you can select the function of searching export tables to generate a list of protectable functions.
In the main pane of the code implantation tab of the shell tool, you can browse the list of functions suitable for code implantation protection and select one of them for protection.
In the currently released version, the code implantation function has the following limitations:
1) only supports Windows 32-bit applications.
2) Only executable programs are supported (exe files are supported, but dynamic link libraries are not supported).
3) Application based on. NET assembly is not supported.
■ Support the digital signature of encrypted applications.
You can add a digital signature by using the Super Dog Shell Encryption Tool to encrypt the protected application.
■ Support shell encryption to protect AutoCADARX files.
Super dog shell encryption tool supports encryption AutoCAD (version number: 2000? 20 13)32-bit and 64-bit ARX files.
■ Support CentOS6. 3 (32/64 bit) operating system.
■ Support authorized design tools to check the current time of super dogs.
■ Support the use of WindowsMedia Player to watch encrypted media files.
Media files encrypted with Super Dog DRM packaging tool can be played by end users using WindowsMedia Player (supported version: 1 1, 12) after installing Super Dog DRM plug-in.
The installation package of the Super Dog DRM plug-in is located in the following path of the Super Dog installation CD: Windows \ installed \ DRM \ Redistribute.
The plugin supports the following file types: mpg, dat, avi, wav and mp3.
■ Support automatic upgrading of license plate information in super dog through network.
This version provides an example of how to automatically upgrade the super dog network (after installing the super dog CD, the default path of the sample directory is: ... \ program files \ safenet \ super dog \ [version] \ samples \ licensing \ update automation). The client can update the license information in the super dog by visiting the website provided by the server.