Varcxt = document. Getelementbyid ('element name'). get cont(“2d”); ?
Elements are not supported in browsers of IE8 or earlier.
Second, draw clock()- realize drawing clock?
1.clearRect () clears the specified pixel in the given rectangle. ?
Attribute |? value
- | -
X, y | The (x, y) coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle to be cleared.
Width, height| The width and height of the rectangle to be cleared, in pixels 12345. date()- get the system time.
var sec = now . get seconds(); ? var min = now . get minutes(); ? var hour = now . get hours(); ? 123
Draw the shape of the clock
cxt . begin path(); ? cxt . line width = 10; ? cxt.strokeStyle = " blue? cxt.arc(550,3 10,300,0,360,false); ? cxt . close path(); ? cxt . stroke(); 123456
BeginPath () is used to draw the canvas, and all paths after the last beginPath will be drawn.
Closepath () is a closed path, not an ending path. It will try to connect a path from the end point to the start point of the current path, so that the whole path can be closed.
Cxt.lineWidth (): the width of the brush.
Cxt.strokeStyle (): Sets or returns the color, gradient or mode used for strokes.
Attribute value: color indicates the CSS color value of the stroke color of the drawing brush. The default value is #000000.
GradientA gradient object (linear or radioactive) used to fill a drawing.
Pattern A pattern object used to create a pattern stroke.
Stroke () draws the defined path.
The arc () method creates an arc/curve (used to create a circle or a partial circle). To create a circle by an arc (), set the starting angle to 0 and the ending angle to 2 * math.pi ...
Context.arc(x, y, r, Sang Le, eAngle, counterclockwise);
The x coordinate of the center of the x circle.
Y coordinate of the center of the y circle.
The radius of the r circle.
Sang Le starting angle, in radians. The three o'clock position of the arc is 0 degrees.
Angle End Angle, in radians.
Counterclockwise is optional. Specifies whether the drawing should be counterclockwise or clockwise. False = clockwise, true = counterclockwise.
4)draw scale- user-defined function drawing scale.
Function drawScale(size, width, color, value, startx, starty, endx, endy){?
for(var I = 0; I< size; i++){?
DrawPointer (width, color, value, I, startx, starty, endx, endy); ?
} ? } ? 12345
5. Draw the clock scale support point
Function drawPointer (width, color, value, angle, startx, starty, endx, endy){?
cxt . save(); //Save the current canvas first?
Cxt.lineWidth = width; ? //Set the width of the brush?
Cxt.strokeStyle = color// Set the color of the brush?
cxt.translate(550,3 10); //Reset the origin coordinates of different dimensions?
Cxt.rotate (value * angle * mathematics. PI/ 180); ? //Set the rotation angle. Parameter is radian?
cxt . begin path(); ?
cxt.moveTo(startx,starty); ?
cxt.lineTo(endx,endy); ?
cxt . close path(); //Close the path first, then draw a line?
cxt . stroke(); ? //Start drawing lines?
cxt . restore(); ? //Return the rotated line segment to the canvas? } ? 123456789 10 1 1 12 13
The translate () method remaps the (0,0) position on the canvas.
JS code is as follows:
//Get the context document object? var clock = document . getelementbyid(' clock '); ?
var cxt = clock . get context(' 2d '); ?
//Draw a pointer? Function drawPointer (width, color, value, angle, startx, starty, endx, endy){?
cxt . save(); //Save the current canvas first?
Cxt.lineWidth = width; ? //Set the width of the brush?
Cxt.strokeStyle = color// Set the color of the brush?
cxt.translate(550,3 10); //Reset the origin coordinates of different dimensions?
Cxt.rotate (value * angle * mathematics. PI/ 180); ? //Set the rotation angle. Parameter is radian?
cxt . begin path(); ?
cxt.moveTo(startx,starty); ?
cxt.lineTo(endx,endy); ?
cxt . close path(); //Close the path first, then draw a line?
cxt . stroke(); ? //Start drawing lines?
cxt . restore(); ? //Return the rotated line segment to the canvas? } ?
//Draw a scale? Function drawScale(size, width, color, value, startx, starty, endx, endy){?
for(var I = 0; I< size; i++){?
DrawPointer (width, color, value, I, startx, starty, endx, endy); ?
} ?
} ?
//Fill the center of the dial with color? Function drawFill(){?
cxt . save(); ?
cxt . begin path(); ?
cxt.arc(550,3 10,7,0,360,false); ?
cxt . close path(); ?
cxt.fillStyle = " red?
cxt . fill(); ?
cxt . restore(); ?
} ?
//Draw a clock? Function drawClock(){?
cxt.clearRect(0,0, 1350,620); ? //Empty the whole canvas?
var now = new Date(); //Get the system time, when it is taken out, minutes, seconds?
var sec = now . get seconds(); ?
var min = now . get minutes(); ?
var hour = now . get hours(); ?
Min += second/60; ?
Hours+= minutes/60; ?
If (hour >12) hour-=12; ?
cxt . begin path(); ?
cxt . line width = 10; ?
cxt.strokeStyle = " blue?
cxt.arc(550,3 10,300,0,360,false); ?
cxt . close path(); ?
cxt . stroke(); ?
Drawscale (12,7, "pink", 30,0,-280,0,-260); ? //draw time?
DrawScale(60, 5, "pink", 6,? 0, -280, 0, -270); ? //Draw a scale?
DrawPointer(7, "purple", hour, 30,0,12,0,-210); ? //Draw an hour hand?
DrawPointer(5, "yellow", min, 6,0,15,0,-240); //Draw the minute hand?
DrawPointer(4, "red", sec, 6,0,17,0,-250); ? //Draw a second hand?
//Refine the second hand and add arrows?
DrawPointer(3, "red", sec, 6, -7, -235, 0,-255); ?
DrawPointer(3, "red", sec, 6, 7, -235, 0,-255); ?
draw fill(); ?
} ?
draw clock(); ?
setInterval(drawClock, 1000); ? //Using the //setInterval () method means that drawClock is executed every 1000ms? 123456789 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19202 1 2223242526272829303 132333435363738 39404 14243444546474849505 15253545556575859606 16263646566676869707 1