Current location - Quotes Website - Personality signature - Where is the translation of computer expressions?
Where is the translation of computer expressions?
Access arm head arm

Access time access time

Adder adder

Address address


analog computer


Area area

Array array

assembly program

Automation automation

Banded region

batch processing

binary code

binary digit

A binary bit.


Brush brush

buffer memory

Calculator calculator

Call instruction

card puncher

card reader

Cell unit

Channel channel

Character character

Check Digit

Circuit circuit

Clear, clear

Clock clock

Code code

Coding coding

Encoder encoder

Command instruction, command


computer language

Console console

Controller control unit

(magnetic) core memory/storage

Counter counter


cycle period

Data data

data processing

Debugging and debugging

Decision making

Digital number

digital computer

Disc, disc

display device

Drum drum

Edit edit

Electronic electronics

Transmitter transmitter

Coding coding

Erase, erase, erase

Feed, supply

Feed, supply

Feedback feedback

Field field, information group, field

File file

Floppy disk

floppy disk drive

flow chart

Frame frame

Hardware hardware

Identifier identifier

Index index

Information information

Embedded processing internal processing

Input input

Asking questions

Instruction description

integrated circuit

Explain a project, a project

Jump transfer

Keys. Keys.

Keyboard keyboard

waiting time

Library library

Linkage connection

Load, register, write, load

Location storage unit

Recorder register

circulation loop

machine language

Magnetic memory


Matrix matrix

Memory memory

Message information


Modular assembly

Monitor monitor, monitor program, pipeline process


Network network

Numbers, numbers, numbers

Octet, octet

Operator operator

Optical character reader

Optical scanner

Output output

Overflow overflow


Parameter parameter


ancillary equipment

personal computer

printed circuit

Printer printer

print out

Deal with

processing unit

Program program

Programming programming

Programmer programmer

Programming programming

Pulse pulse


zone punch

punch card

Punched paper tape

Punching hole

random access

Reading, reading.

Readers, readers

Reading, reading.

Real time real time

Record, register record



Selector selector

Sentinel marker

Sequence sequence


Serialization uninterrupted

take turns

Signal signal

analog simulation

Simulator simulator

Software software

Sort, sort

Classifier classifier classifier classifier classifier classifier classifier classifier classifier classifier classifier

Storage memory

Store goods

Subroutine, subroutine symbol

symbolic language

System architecture


electric typewriter

Terminal terminal

terminal device

Timer clock


Timing timing

Track track

Transducer sensor

Translation program

Update update

Winchester disk drive

Working storage


Motherboard motherboard gBPOn

RAM (random access: "S5W

Memory) random access memory (memory) Z#m

ROM (read only memory) read only memory

Floppy disk @

Hard Disk @;;

CD-ROM optical disk drive (CD-ROM) 0%

Monitor monitor ++lfH0

Keyboard keyboard Sc

Mouse mouse -5@)

Chip chip, tn

CD-R disc burner ~B)

HUB hub }JexUM

Modem = modulator-demodulator, modem: 4_

Plug and Play Plug and Play M*-


BIOS (basic-input-output ~? ga;

Basic Input/Output System

Cmos (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 94B? Kiribati

Setup and installation {q 1B62}

Unload Unload` +AsQ

Wizzard Wizard | 8xe=

OS (Operating System) Operating System

Office automation?

Exit exit ot

Edit Jj

Copy, copy ~

Cutting cutting a5, H=

Paste%? .

Delete delete J'x\

Select select sjZK

Find find u=

Select all, select all Fm all.

Replace C.

Undo undo yb

Redo redo HoEW 1

Program program 3

License) 9{

Go back to the previous step' nG! 2

Next step g

End M8-"UU

Folder folder Po{_M

Target folder target folder Uo

User user Wm#8'

Click click 1*R

Double click, double click. e-~

Right-click right-click

Settings Settings 7'$

Update update Qv,

Release release k? ! #E_

Data data rjG

Database 18IKp

Database Management System (DBMS)

System) database management system. R.

View view LbljOB

Insert insert s>u

object object 2 "+Ab;

Configuration configuration ]dp*u

Command command, > n{Qf

Document document%

POST (power-on self-test) power self-test program l

Cursor cursor SLclj

Attribute attribute %i

Icon icon k! g

Service Pack Service Patch ]0iWMi

Option package feature patch X/J

Demo Demo [KQ62]

Shortcuts, shortcuts; @r7b'

Exception Exception MdY"/ "

Debugging and debugging SS2

Previous page Previous page X

Column J a

Line [5-|~

Restart m

Text text l 'etq

Font% 1

Size b

Proportion +J

Interface interface 5Aie

Function function?

Access access A{/W

Manual guide?

Active activates a; n

computer language

Menu menu k*TI_

GUI (graphical user interface KO

Interface) graphical user interface h! *?

Template template Z=z

Page setup page setup te;

Password password; #p

Code password YPB

print preview

Enlarge ^Pv7

Shrink down

Panoramic roaming B|ZW

Cruise roaming yyvm

Full screen full screen

Toolbar toolbar f~4G

Status bar status bar: ~u

Ruler Ruler scale:

Table table *IRmR4

Paragraph paragraph tXN

Symbol V2

Style < i*? /|

Execute execute R+'H!

Graphics graphics ZV3u)x

Image image \E, 1sr

Unix is the operating system zr for servers.

Mac OS operating system +IM#k developed by apple;

OO (object-oriented) object-oriented ]ODM/

Virus h

File file HH$If#

Open, open.

Close 7x&; rt~

Xinxin jcPr

Save save jCd

Exit 9

Clear clear DAX

Default default V'O

Lanlan EjKQ

Wan Wan

Client/Server Client/Server "@

ATM (asynchronous)

Transmission mode) asynchronous transmission mode v

Microsoft's network operating system QRDuQ

Internet Internet @7F

WWW (World Wide Web) World Wide Web 3=

Protocol protocol r@

HTTP hypertext transfer protocol q4K'

FTP file transfer protocol U2*|ui

Browser browser %eSE3S

Home page, home page,

Web page page 0U

The website address "lr

The URL is on the WWW service program of the Internet {Yk

Representation method for specifying information location >; Job evaluation

Online online {1

E-mail e-mail C$g

ICQ online paging b.{2F

Firewall! Firewall! Et\lE

Gateway gateway `] IVM

HTML hypertext markup language 04C

Hypertext Hypertext E? Five dollars DG

Hyperlink Hyperlink \Ue? m & amp

IP (address) Internet Protocol (address) JOIH9 "

Search engine search engine 4p

TCP/IP is a set of communication protocols used in the network.

Telnet remote login "*

IE browser (Microsoft's web browser)

Navigator pilot iz

Multimedia multimedia yaZ

ISO international organization for standardization &; F

ANSI American national standards institute h)#l

Can hit 6 yards, gram

Active file active file PW

Addwatch to add a monitoring point ni/; Trillion byte

All files, all files, t-

All rights reserved.

Altdirlst switches directory format G3. $T

And fixamchwider disk problems and can solve a wider range of disk problems xj/wV.

And thereinformation and andotherinformation {@ w:

Archive attribute Archive attribute 3Tp/X

Assigned to k=gXSw

Automatic response Automatic response [g, @ @

Automatic detection automatic detection A Qin {

Automatic indentation automatic indentation p

Automatic storage automatic storage

Availableonvolume The remaining space on this disk.

Badcommand error 8~OA

Badcommandorfilename command or file name is wrong F5eQ.

Batchparameters batch parameter a[,

binary file

Binary file T7k

Bolan International Company & Bolan International Company; =FY

Bottom blank margin

Bydate by date L%?

Extension through extension p "M

By name x

Byte free Byte free j5c

Call stack Call stack ]lJ

Case sensitive 6

Causespromtingto ConfirmingYouwantooverwritean needs a confirmation prompt before you want to overwrite Rb.

Centralpointsoftwarenc center point software joint-stock company qf

Change Directory Change Directory D5xMEy

Changedrive change drive u-[{r.

change the name

Character set b?

Checkingfor is checking &; & gtl7

ChecksadiskandDisdisplaySastatusReport Checks the disk and displays the status report +Z2[0

Chgdrivepath Change Disk/Path r2#

China China ch

Select one of the following options |#=m

Clearall clears all X:Sd|

Clear all breakpoints q#

Clearsanattribute clears the attribute (8k/I&;

Clear command history Clear command history [h`.

Clearscreen clear screen > md

Close all files

Code generation code generation rtN@M

Palette &; Fifteen (

Commandline command line? S

Commandprompt command prompt JV | &;;

Compressed file compressed file EzX

Configure Sahard Diskforusewithmsdos to configure the hard disk for rL2nwy used by MS-DOS.

Traditional memory

Copy directories and subdirectories * * * CEPTemptyones Copy directories and subdirectories, except empty directories and subdirectories. JG,

CopiesFilewithSearchiveAttributeSet copies the file QgcZl with the archive attribute set.

Copy one or more files to another location Copy or move files to another location ~

Copy the contents of one floppy disk to another.

Copy disk copy disk D$G

CopymoveCompFindedRenameDeleteEditAttribwordPrintlist c Copy m Move o Rename d Delete v Version e Browse a property w Write p Print ll list1on.

Copyrightc copyright (c le? *P=

Create a DOS partition or logical DOS drive P & amp; 5TrN

Create extended dos partition hn? Einstein: v

Create a logical DOS drive in the extended DOS partition Create a logical dos drive ng/NwJ in the extended dos partition.

Create DOS primary partition Axxv

Createsdirectory creates directory O(I\v0

CreateshangordeletestevolumelabellofadiskCreate, change or delete the volume label of disk 1m; C

Current file current file Ts

Current hard disk drive (Vfk)

Currentsettings currently sets cD7AS7.

Current time c; "

Cursorposition cursor position f |;;

Debris cleaning. Debris cleaning? g

Delete delete ~G

Delete partition or logical dos drive (3=J

Delete a directory and all its subdirectories and all files.

Delete tree om#

Device driver device driver ~OL6~X

Dialogbox dialogue bar @sR

Direction key direction key S> high-performance sports car

Direct AU

Directorylistargument directory display variable Fu! 2]

Directory list hg's directory

Directory structure Directory structure a9

disc access

Disk copy {KE6g

DiskserviceScopyComparefindRenameVerifyViewWeditMapLocateInitialize Disk Service Function: C Copy O Compare F Search R Change Volume Name V Check Browse E Edit M Figure L Find File N Format @*w

Disk space disk space' l_gg

Display file display file%? 8 days

Display options, display options,

Displaypartitioninformation displays partition information k; \{

Show files in the specified directory and all subdirectories Show files in the specified directory and all directories? G. _ J

Displays files with the specified attributes. 0

DisplaySorChangesFileAttributes Displays or changes the file attribute pn} i.

Display or set the date display or equipment date 2Dr.

Display setting screen monochrome display color Display installation screen information in monochrome instead of color)

Display the amount of usedadfreememory Your system displays the amount of used and unused memory in the system ng >;; X

DisplaytheFullphhatHandnameoferfileonHedisk displays the disk m \

Display the current directory I%?

Doctor =p)

Not bb {W

Doesntchangetheattribute does not change attribute 5']

Doshelldos shell /0f (my

Double-click +B

Do you want to display logical drive information y Do you want to display logical drive information (y/n)? z? Og~%

Drive letter Drive letter: {5Sa

Edit menu Edit menu }pa

Memory memory 97Do

End of Endoffile file ~

Endofline end date

Input selection input selection \

Full disk conversion disk u%

Environment variable Environment variable =

esc esc GF$

All files and subdirectories

Existingdestinationfile when the directory file already exists.

Extended memory extended memory [ny

Expandtabs cT8D(p

Clear * & O6s

Extended memory extended memory \

The fastest fsF

Fat file system fat file system 3ES^

Fdiskoption fdisk option |^FQ35

File attributes File attributes)

File format File format &; Ground mobile radio equipment

Filefunctions file function 1M7`Z (

File selection File selection B5R

File selection parameters File selection parameters! +Z

File in file in I

The file Pxg in the filesinsubdir subdirectory.

Lists the file n.

Filespec file description YY3

File specified file id }h*

File selection where the selected file is located.

Findfile file lookup +h*$

Fixed hard disk 5ua

Fixeddisksetupprogram) zR)# '

Fixeserrorsonthedisk resolves disk errors {O:

Floppy disk

Format floppy disk Format disk 4n|*m/

Formatsadiskforusewithmsdos formats the disk Rbs/W for MS-DOS.

Formfeed feed *2ZS 1

Free memory

Full screen full screen LH# 1*

Function program function program a9p( 1e

7J of the chart

Graphic library graphic library; five

Groupdirectoriesfirst first displays the directory group P & gt{4

Hang up hang up /k

Hard disk hard disk m

Hardware detection hardware detection V@3_$

Hasby has Lbp.

Help file Help file 5b

Help index o{PO

Helpinformation help information @QbS{,

Help path help path b

Help screen Help screen | I

Helptext helps describe 0M]8=?

Help topic uV\na_

Help window Help window 0mu%

Hiddenfile implied file 0$Ii4 1

Hiddenfileattribute means file attribute.

Hiddenfiles hide file XHU]5

How to operate m& mode; rubidium

Ignorecase ignores case T/

Conventional and upper memory U:J? ):

Incorrect dos Incorrect DOS PYr'

Incorrect DOS version DOS version is incorrect.

Represents the binary file z.

Represents an ascii text file Z[

Insert mode insert mode

Please use scandisk instead of chkdsk mGP2.

Inuse is using ~ ~p # 4.

Invalid directory invalid directory zKZ0o

Is is n

Kbytes kilobytes +8L? \M

NS* keyboard; B

Labeldisk marks the disk.

Notebook computer]

Largestexecutableprogram maximum executable program,

Largestmemoryblockavailable s

Left-handers, left-handers are used to D! +L

Left distance 0iqHAh

Line number line number o5

Line number line number line number 83B

X line spacing

Listbyfilesinsortedorder displays files in the specified order: 7

List file List file m8J,

Listing 9/}

Locatefile file location c|

Look at g

Find to find wI 3Vw

Macroname macro name 8

Makedirectory Create directory M8{

Memory information Memory information 4U6Re

Memory mode memory mode QQ

Menu bar /qPZ

Menucommand menu command bYj$

Menu[]= K>;;

Messagewindow information window 5~

Microsoft Microsoft (

Microsoftantivirus Microsoft antivirus software?

Microsoftcorporation Microsoft company W7#

Mini bun

Modem Settings Modem Installation Hs

Modulename module name ~zf

Monitoring Mode Monitoring Status}

Monochrome monitor ZtuM* "

Move move to


New data New data number 5

Updated Paw/P "

New file new file 6Rib7

New name, new name IQ

New Window New Window R8

Norton Norton & gt^DRvJ

The nostack stack does not define UR*/8r.

Note: Be careful when using deltree uK'qCJ.

Online help online help >, s

Optional $ cv

Or or v

Pageframe page T}{#

Page length (

Pausesaftereachscreenful's message paused e & gt/%s

Pctools pc tools 8PLRm=

Postscript postscript p+

The prefix means "no"

Prefixtoreverseorder reverse display prefix ~

For example, the preset switch vO+ 1H has a prefix, and a switch (for example, /-w) is placed after a short horizontal line-

Press one button, keep pressing one button, keep DEx.

Press any key to perform file function. Click any key to perform file function+

Pressentertokepthesamedate,presenter tokeepthesamedate >]

Press entertokeepthesametime and enter to keep the same time xLHA.

Press esc and continue to knock ESC. Continue O=WWk.

Press exit to knock on the door.

Press esc to exit fdisk. Knock ESC to exit fdisk aV(Ko

Press esctoreturntofdiskoptions and click esc to return to the fdisk option pM"5%.

Previously on ...

Print all print Pj

Printing equipment printing equipment JDP

Printer port printer port |6kxuv

Processesfilesinaldirectories in specified path processes files in all directories under the specified path "28".

Program file bx

Programming environment! Programming environment! W_]

Promptsyoubeforecreating will remind you of RKfvAT when creating each target file.

Prompt you to press the key before copying' |'? the instant communication software

Pull down pull down DS

Drop-down menu RS

Quick format quick format ]7

Quick view. Quick view. Q+”

Yunnan Vocational College of Land and Resources-College Forum-Say what you want to say and write what you want to write.

Read-only file read-only file I

Readonlyfileattribute Read-only file attribute () =}

Readonlyfiles read-only file DM; P

Readonlymode read-only mode _ b``j

Redial! Redial 2! df?

Repeatlastfind repeats the last search for QPopkc.

Report file report file e

Resize Resize 6

They are QfP.

Right-to-right distance j

Root directory root directory m

Runsdebugprogramtestingandedingtool runs debugging, which is a testing and editing tool, y\

Runtimeerror runtime error W 7=*

Save All Save All 9

Save as save as in