Do I need to attach my own photo to write and sign a letter to a foreign star? (at 20 o'clock)
You'd better attach a personal photo of your favorite star. You can choose your favorite photo to sign for your idol (but note that most stars sign with strange black pens), and the photo size is about the size of an envelope. Otherwise, as you said, the company may send you a lot of printed signature photos. If you still don't know how to introduce this website to you, this blogger has written very detailed and awesome. net/blog/post/ 25242362-Alexander-skarsgard % E7 % 9A % 84% E7 % B0 % BD % E5 % 90% 8D % E7 % 85% a7 x4-% 26-% E5 % A6 % 82% E4 % BD % 95% E5 % AF % AB % E4 % BF % a 1% E7 % B5 % A6 % E6 % 98% 8E % E6 % 98% 9F