Refuse to take an umbrella. The weather is very hot and the sun is very strong. The guests are sitting outside, there are no obstacles around, and they can only bask in the sun. The host nearby suggested that the staff should open an umbrella to shelter the guests from the wind and rain. However, Guo Qilin immediately refused. He waved and said, "The media and staff don't have umbrellas, so they don't need to fight. They refused to give special treatment. "
Star Privilege In fact, "star privilege" has become a commonplace topic. After reading a lot of news such as celebrities posing big names, Guo Qilin's grounding gas is really commendable!
How to evaluate Guo Qilin? Guo Qilin has paid a lot since he forgot the lyrics on the stage. On February 5, 20 18, a large number of fans came to the scene and presented him with birthday cakes. His fan name is Lin. He always smiles on any occasion, and his smile is very infectious, which makes people who like him want to stop. Now female fans claim to be rich, which shows their love for Guo Qilin, and the scene in Guo Qilin is also super intimate.
Guo Qilin, a child born after 1990, is also an outstanding generation in the early stage of China's reform. It is also the age of the only child. It's easy to spoil one child at a time. However, Guo Qilin's various performances show that the child is very good and his family education is very strict.
Crosstalk, after all, is an art form of face-to-face communication in the agricultural era, and it is impossible to spread widely. However, great changes have taken place in today's media communication mode. Sometimes we can't just think about old wine in new bottles, just transform and repair the art of cross talk, but also adapt to the times and create new art types.
I believe this is obvious to all. Whether it is a stage performance or an interview, everyone speaks politely, and everyone calls you, standing and sitting, giving people a feeling of strict family education. When Guo Qilin was a child, he followed his grandparents. When I came to Beijing, a group of Mr. Guo's disciples were at home. They ate everything in Master's refrigerator, just like at home, and they had to get their father's permission to eat it. It is obvious that he is not an arrogant child.
There's nothing wrong with meeting father Keiko. Many second-generation stars in the entertainment circle live by their parents. Some people are good-tempered, some are incompetent, and some are capable, but they have no education. Many big names in the circle have lost their faces for their children for half their lives, and what's more, there are second-generation stars who have tossed themselves into prison.