What is a trademark?
A trademark is a trademark that is used by producers and operators of goods on the goods they produce, manufacture, process, select or distribute, or by service providers on the services they provide. Used to distinguish the source of goods or services, including words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, color combinations and sounds, etc., as well as combinations of the above elements, signs with distinctive characteristics are the products of modern economy.
In my country, a trademark registration and acquisition system is implemented. Only after registration can the right person enjoy the exclusive right to trademark and obtain protection in accordance with the law. In addition, tobacco products must use registered trademarks. For other goods and services, trademark registration is voluntary. Whether to apply for trademark registration depends entirely on the will of the operator. Categories of Trademarks
1. Product trademarks are trademarks used on goods, as opposed to service trademarks.
2. Service trademark refers to a sign that someone uses to distinguish his or her services from those of others when providing services or in advertisements.
3. Collective trademark refers to a mark registered in the name of a group, association or other organization for use by members of the organization in commercial activities to indicate the user's membership in the organization.
4. Certification trademarks are controlled by an organization with the ability to supervise certain goods or services and used by units or individuals other than the organization to certify the goods or services. or the origin, raw materials, manufacturing methods, quality or other indications of specific qualities of the service.
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