1. First open Word, right-click the blank space of the icon 1, and a menu will pop up. Select "Draw" to pop up the toolbar of icon 2, or click the icon of icon 3.
2. Then click the AutoShape to pop up the menu. Place the mouse over the ellipsis between the AutoShape and the menu, and the words "Drag to float the menu" will appear. Hold down the left mouse button and drag it to the bottom to separate it. After separating it, drag it to the toolbar, as shown in Figure 4.
3. Click any icon of the AutoShape to pop up the corresponding menu. You can do the same thing above and then drag it out, and then drag it to the toolbar, such as Line, as shown in Figure 5.
We can draw pictures next, but it's troublesome to have a canvas. We can go to Toolbar-Options-General and uncheck the canvas, as shown in Figure 6. So there will be no canvas when drawing.
5. Start drawing. Click on any graphic you want and draw it below, as shown in Figure 7. The arrow refers to the corresponding graphic.
6. After you finish drawing, you can further process it. Double-click the drawn drawing to open the Format Custom Drawing-Colors and Lines window, and set the color and thickness of the drawing, as shown in Figure 8. These simple graphics look better after processing, as shown in Figure 9.