Visit the API console page. If you don't log in to Baidu account, you will enter the Baidu account login page, as shown below:
2. Log in to the API console
After logging in, you will jump to the API console service, as shown in the following figure:
Create an application
Click "Create Application" to enter the page of creating AK, enter the application name, and change the application type to "Android SDK":
4. Configure the application
After the application type is selected as "Android SDK", you need to configure the security code of the application, as shown in the following figure:
Get a secure password
The composition rule of security code is: SHA 1 value of Android signature certificate+package name, for example:
sha 1:BB:0D:AC:74:D3:2 1:e 1:43:67:7 1:9B:62:9 1:AF:a 1:66:6E:44:5D:75
Package name: com.baidumap.demo
Android application obtains packagename, and the location varies according to different development tools:
1, developed with Eclipse.
The package name is the name defined by the Android application itself in AndroidManifest.xml, for example:
2. develop with Android Studio.
The package name needs to query the applictionId in the build.gradle file, for example:
There are two ways to obtain the SHA 1 value of the Android signing certificate:
The first method: use keytool.
Step 1: Run to the console.
Step 2: Navigate to. Android folder, go to
Step 3: enter keytool-list-v-keystordebug. keystore, and you will get three kinds of fingerprint certificates. Select the certificate of SHA 1 type (the key password is android), for example:
Among them, keytool is jdk's own tool; Keystorefile is a certificate file signed by Android.
The second method: in Eclipse, view it directly in adt 22.
If you use adt 22, you can view it directly in Eclipse:Windows-- >. Preference-> Android-& gt; Construction. As shown in the following figure:
The value of "SHA 1 fingerprint" is the SHA 1 value of the Android signature certificate.
6. Successfully created AK
After entering the security code, click "OK" to complete the configuration of the application, and you will get a created AK. Please take care of the AK you applied for. Here you can use the new AK to complete your development work.