A personal signature is a signature written by the author, and a special signature is a sentence or other special text pattern other than the signature. If the gold sign and the silver sign are black, it seems that the pen used by the author to sign the book is different in color. The gold signboard is a gold signboard and the silver signboard is a silver signboard.
On the other hand, the original novel was badly fired. For example, Priest, a famous novelist in Jinjiang, and Musuri's Mo Xiang Tong Chou, etc. The existence of Jinjiang Liu Ding, the signature is not less than 5 times of the original price, dozens of times is not without, and the special signature is even worse.
An autograph is an author's handwritten signature. Special signatures are special. In addition to the signature, a sentence or other content will be added, and even the signature can be given to anyone, or a stick figure. At present, there are more interpretations of signatures, such as digital signatures and artistic signatures.