If it was stolen online, it is very likely that you leaked the information. If your credit card is stolen, call the customer service hotline of your bank as soon as possible. First freeze the credit card to prevent continued fraud, and then call the police. Like the China Construction Bank credit card I use, in addition to helping you freeze the card, they can also help you check merchant information. Negotiate with the police at that time to help recover the lost finances.
How to prevent credit card theft
Try not to enter your card number and personal information casually online. It is also best to go to the bank to apply for a credit card directly, and do not apply outside to avoid Disclosure of personal and credit card information.
When applying for a credit card, you can set a password or just swipe the card with your signature without setting a password. Be sure to set a password, which will be safer and more secure.
After getting the credit card, we can see 4 numbers + 3 numbers on the back of the card. The first 4 numbers are the last four digits of the card, and the last 3 numbers are very important. , is a security authentication code used for online payment. It is generally recommended to stick it with tape, which can effectively prevent someone from peeking and copying your credit card.
When you swipe your card for daily shopping, you must see the person swiping your card in person, and you cannot swipe it somewhere else where you can't see it.