Decompress and run Cydia impactor.
Connect an iOS device to your computer (requires an iTunes environment) and wait for Cydia Impactor to recognize the device.
Ipa to download? Drag the tool into Cydia impactor.
At this time, you need to enter the password of Apple account and apply for a temporary certificate (valid for 7 days).
If the following interface appears, please click OK.
At this time, Cydia impactor will sign the App first, and then automatically install the signed App on your mobile phone without any operation.
Then you can see a gray three fat icon yalu 102 on the desktop. The first time you open it, you will be prompted that you need a trust certificate. You need to go to Settings >:> General > Profile and Device Management, and the certificate can be opened normally.
Open "yalu 102" and start the prison break. At this point, the interface is blank. Wait patiently for about 2 minutes until the device restarts and cydia can be seen.
If cydia does not appear after the first restart, please click "yalu 102" again to exit. Generally speaking, cydia will appear after the desktop restarts for the second time. If cydia still doesn't appear, please try several times until Cydia appears and escapes successfully.
After successful jailbreak, you can run cydia to load data, but at present, appsync and afc2 are not compatible with iOS 10.2 jailbreak, and most commonly used plug-ins are not compatible, so you can only wait patiently for good news from plug-in developers.
After waiting for success, the prison break was successful.
Hello, iOS 10. 1. 1 of iPhone 6S can escape from prison. You can use Yalu escape tool to escape from prison. The specific website link of Yalu River is here. In addition, if it is too much trouble, you can escape from prison through the escape assistant of PP assistant. The website link is here.
On the issue of recovery, upgrading the system version on iTunes can restore you to the state of not jailbreaking. The operation is simple, please rest assured.