If you want to design a good signature, you must know what signature methods or construction methods there are for artistic signatures. Teacher Sun Qing, a cutting-edge domestic signature art designer, studied and summarized the techniques or styles commonly used in the signature field at present, and summarized them into: one-stroke signature, fancy signature, imitation English signature, freehand image signature, modeling signature (heart-shaped signature, butterfly signature, character modeling signature, etc. ), combination signature method, standard signature method (business signature, regular script signature, etc. ), anti-counterfeiting signature method and vertical sign method. Some signatures are just different names or understandings of the same technique by different designers, but the essence is the same. You must know the skills of every signature technology. Sun Qing, the signature designer, will not elaborate on the above signature methods. You can find Du Niang. Or buy some signed books and study them carefully to find out the mystery and connotation!
Write down the names to be signed in turn in running script. Carefully observe whether there are the same strokes or radicals between words; Or observe what the internal relationship between each word is, or what method you use to make it relevant. For example, some names are suitable for various signature methods, and some names are beautiful and easy to sign ~ You have to try and practice this ~ Over time ~ After seeing a name, you will know how to design the most satisfactory signature ~ For example, Wu Hongmei. Through Sun Qing's research, we can design the following signatures: pen signature, freehand brushwork signature, business signature and so on.
After designing your signature, it is practice! If you know how to sign, you should know how to practice. We can enlarge the signature first. When I mentioned enlarging the signature, I got a better understanding of every step of the signature. At the same time, it is also convenient for beginners to practice ~ first practice simple ~ then practice complex signature. Stick a signature on a transparent plastic film or translucent kraft paper, and then practice copying repeatedly ~ Remember: keep practicing to form muscle memory ~ Over time, you can write your handsome signature on your fingertips ~ Keep practicing ~ Keep practicing! It is essential to keep learning new signature theories and techniques! ! !