Rosa plants are mostly erect, spreading or climbing shrubs, mostly prickles, needles or prickles, sparsely spineless, hairy, hairless or glandular. Leaves alternate, odd pinnate compound leaves, sparse simple leaves, serrated leaves; Stipules adnate or attached to petiole, sparsely stipules absent. Flowers produce corymbose, sparse compound corymbose or panicle; Calyx tube (receptacle) is spherical, altar-shaped to cup-shaped, and the neck is constricted; Sepals 5, sparse 4, spreading, imbricate, sometimes pinnately divided; Petals 5, sparse 4, spreading, imbricate arrangement, white, yellow, pink to red; Disk around calyx tube mouth; Stamens are divided into several rounds and are inserted around the disk. 3 carpels are numerous, few in number, inserted in calyx tube, sessile and extremely rare, free; The style is terminal, pendulous, free or resurrected, and the ovule is solitary and pendulous.