Current location - Quotes Website - Personality signature - Proper nouns that can embody computer technology.
Proper nouns that can embody computer technology.
-A- AJAX: (because proper nouns are not recommended for translation) [asynchronous JavaScript and XML, asynchronous JavaScript and XML]

Notes: Notes

Ant: (No translation recommended, reason: proper nouns)

AOP: (Because proper nouns are not recommended for translation) [Aspect-oriented programming]

Application: application

Independent variable: parameter


B2B: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [business-to-business, business-to-business]

BAM: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Business Activity Monitoring]

BMP: (Translation is not recommended, reason: proper nouns) [Persistence of bean management, persistence of bean management]

BPEL: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Business Process Execution Language]

BPM: (Because proper nouns are not recommended for translation) [Business Process Modeling]

Construction: construction; authorized strength


C2B: (Suggested not to translate, reason: proper nouns) [consumer to business]

CAD: (Translation is not recommended due to proper nouns) [Computer Aided Design]

CAM: (Translation is not recommended due to proper nouns) [Computer Aided Modeling]

Case insensitive: Case insensitive.

Case-sensitive: case-sensitive

Container: container

Cluster: cluster

CMP: (Because proper nouns are not recommended for translation) [Persistence of container management]

Components: components, parts

Configuration: configuration

Context: context, environment

Control: control

Convention: Convention

CORBA: (translation of proper nouns is not recommended) [Common Object Request Broker Architecture, Common Object Request Broker Architecture]

COS: (translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [public object service, public object service]

Coupling: coupling

CRUD: refers to the creation, retrieval, update and deletion of database operations without translation.


Daemon: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) 【 Background program for sending and receiving emails on the Internet 】

Tao: (translation of proper nouns is not recommended) [data access object]

Data: data

DBMS: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Database Management System]

DDL: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Data Definition Language]

Declarative programming: declarative programming

Representative: representative

Dependency injection: dependency injection

Deployment: deployment

Deserialization: Deserialization (which can also be translated as deserialization), that is, taking out

Dialogue: (industry) terminology

Instruction: instruction

DIT: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Directory Information Tree]

DML: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Data Manipulation Language]

DNS: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Internet Domain Name System]

Domain: domain

DSL: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [domain-specific language]

DTOs: (Translation is not recommended due to proper nouns) [Data transfer object]

-Uh ...

EAI: (Translation is not recommended due to proper nouns) [Enterprise Application Integration]

ECC: (translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [error correction code: error correction code]

EIS: (No translation recommended, reason: proper nouns) [enterprise information system].

EJB: (translation of proper nouns is not recommended) [Enterprise JavaBean]

Encapsulation: encapsulation

ESB: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Enterprise Service Bus]

Event: event


Frequently asked questions: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Frequently asked questions, frequently asked questions]

First in first out.

Fire: trigger

Firewall: firewall

Frame: frame

Function: function


GoF: The Gang of Four refers to the famous design pattern-the "drama" of four authors who can reuse the elements of object-oriented software. [Gang of Four]

Particle size: particle size, particle size

GUI: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Graphical User Interface]

GUID: (Translation of proper nouns is not recommended) [globally unique identifier].


Hard coding: hard coding

Hibernate: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Framework for providing lasting services for applications]

-Me? ...

IDE: Integrated Development Environment.

Implement: implement

Internet: Internet (or not translated, because it has been fully understood and recognized in the Chinese environment)

Intranet: enterprise intranet

IoC: (Translation not recommended, reason: proper nouns) [Control inversion]

-I ...

JavaBean: (No translation recommended, reason: proper nouns)

JCP: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Java community process, Java community research]

JDBC: (Because proper nouns are not recommended for translation) [Java database connection]

JDO: (Because proper nouns are not recommended for translation) [Java data object]

JES: Java enterprise system [Java enterprise system]

Jonas: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Java Open Application Server]

JNDI: [Java naming and directory interface, Java naming and directory interface].

JTA: (Translation is not recommended due to proper nouns) [Java transaction API: Java transaction API]

JVM: [Java virtual machine: Java virtual machine]

JXTA: [Network Computing Platform for P2P Application Development]


-Me? ...

Laszlo: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [an open source project based on XML platform, widely used in Internet applications]

LDAP:[ Lightweight Directory Access Protocol].

Lever: equilibrium

-Me? ...

MEPs: (Translation is not recommended, reason: proper nouns) [Message exchange mode]

Meta: meta

Metadata: metadata

Method signature: method signature

Middleware: middleware

Simulation: virtual

Mode dialog box: Mode dialog box

Modularity: Modules. Is a collection of modules, composed of several independent modules.

Modular organization: modular structure

Module: module

Mom: (translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [message-oriented middleware]

MVC: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Model-View-Control, Model-View-Control]


NDS: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Novell Directory Service]

NIS: (Translation not recommended, reason: proper nouns) [Network information service]

Nodes: nodes

Used as the final vowel in the compound form.

ODMG: (Translation is not recommended due to proper nouns) [Object Data Management Group]

OGNL: (Translation is not recommended due to proper nouns) [Object Graph Navigation Language]

OODBMS: (translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [object-oriented database management system]

ORM: (Because proper nouns are not recommended for translation) [Object-relation (O-R) mapping]


Persistence: Persistence (using SQL statements to store data in a relational database)

POJO: (Translation of proper nouns is not recommended) [Ordinary old Java objects, simple initial Java objects]

POJI: (translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Plain Old Java interface]

Procedural: procedural

Analysis: configuration

Prototype: Prototype


Queue: queue


RAD: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Rapid Application Development]

Revision of control system.

RMI: (Translation is not recommended due to proper nouns) [Remote method call]

Search: search

RIAs: Rich Internet Application [Rich Internet Application]

RPC: (Translation is not recommended due to proper nouns) [Remote procedure call]


Mode: planning, design and scheme

Serialization: Serialize (also translated as serialization), that is, save.

Conversation: Conversation

SOA: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Service-oriented Architecture: Service-oriented Architecture]

SOAP:[ Simple Object Access Protocol].

SPI: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Service Provider Interface]

Spring: (suggested not to translate, reason: proper nouns)

SQL: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Structured Query Language]

Struts:[ a Web application framework based on MVC pattern]

Proxy key: substitute key


Label: label

TDD: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [Test-driven development]

Third Party: A third party, generally referring to other developers and manufacturers.

Transaction: transaction

Tomcat: (Translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [a very famous Java Web container]


UDT: (Translation is not recommended because proper nouns) [Custom column type: custom field type]

Use case: use case

UI: user interface.


VML: Vector Markup Language (VML)


Wizard: wizard

Web: (it is recommended not to translate, reason: proper nouns)

Web service: (translation optional, reason: proper nouns) [Web service]

WS-addressing: (No translation recommended, reason: proper nouns) [web service addressing]

WSDL: (translation is not recommended because of proper nouns) [web service description language].

What you see is what you get: what you see is what you get [what you see is what you get]


XSLT:XSLT stands for Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformation.

XDoclet:XDoclet is an extended Javadoc Doclet engine.

Xsl: extensible stylesheet language (extensible stylesheet language)

XML: abbreviation for Extensible Markup Language.