Zhihu Great God Copper once answered, "What knowledge do you want to recommend to young people who meet briefly?" When it comes to problems, we are talking about doing things with high returns and long half-life, that is, doing things with high returns and long-term impact on the future. The counterexample he cited was playing games, which didn't yield much, and the pleasure came and went quickly. The positive example he gave was practicing calligraphy.
Everyone came here with the same purpose and gathered together. Every day, hundreds of messages and hundreds of homework are sent out for comments. Some students have a good foundation and good consciousness, and the words written are highly similar to the example words, which are well restored; Some students seem to be drifting away from the course, which is quite different from the examples; Some students are very serious and put in time, but the progress is not obvious.
Seeing that it will be twenty in a hundred days, watching this state continue and watching the hard work of the class Committee, I think it is necessary to share some problems I have found and the methods I have learned to practice calligraphy.
I am not the best writer in the group, but the number of times I share with others is in the front, so I stand up and say a few things first. First, I hope some students can improve the efficiency of practicing calligraphy and the similarity with examples. Second, I hope others can share it wonderfully in the future.
There are two highlights in today's sharing:
Among them, the method of practicing Chinese characters has several small points.
There is no doubt about the benefits of practicing calligraphy, but there are many things that are good for you. Why do you persist in practicing calligraphy despite thousands of choices?
Here, ask yourself two questions:
1. Why do you come here to practice calligraphy?
Training camp is not cheap, it takes a lot of time. Have you made up your mind to match
My answer is: it is my buried wish to practice Chinese characters for several years. It begins with a Chinese teacher's sentence: "Chinese characters are a person's second face", and is strengthened in every comparison with other people's signatures.
Bad calligraphy is a thorn in my heart. I didn't see blood, but it was deeply rooted. Although it was not shown to others, it was always there. Every time I see my name and someone else's signature, the nerves in that place are shaking. Over the years, trembling voices can be connected to form music. I just need a chance to move.
In 20 18 years, I came into contact with wechat training camp, feeling more useful than learning by myself (I had the experience of writing in a small cable class but gave up halfway), and found that I was the kind of person who was used to exam-oriented education and needed to study in groups to learn well. Through training camps in other places, I learned about teacher Abu's 100-day camp, so I came with the determination to make wine.
Former national football coach Milu said that attitude determines everything. I said, determination determines attitude.
Finding and clarifying the internal driving force of practicing Chinese characters is one of the prerequisites for practicing Chinese characters well.
Everyone here should continue to ask themselves, what is the purpose of coming here? How determined are you?
After watching Mr. Abu's writing video, I realized why I always couldn't write the expression of that word when I tried to practice against the examples of past copybooks.
I don't know how many students still remember the eight-point formula that Mr. Abu said at the start of the camp: parallel, balanced and average; Speed, strength, angle, radian, length.
There are also these points in the video: light pen, oblique upward, pause, not too hard, hook up, hook inward, look at the structure of this word. . If you are not deeply impressed by these words and are not sensitive to them, it means that you have not watched enough videos and paid enough attention to them.
There are also some gestures that can only be understood by watching the video carefully, but cannot be clearly and accurately expressed in words.
These are the main points and tips. If you don't listen to them, you won't use them in your writing. So you didn't write the font of teacher Abu's school, but you wrote it yourself.
In most cases, if you can't write well, you just don't watch the video carefully, watch it repeatedly, or don't write according to the priorities and gestures in the video after watching it.
It is too difficult for the class Committee to comment in this font. This is not to let them find differences from the examples to help you improve, but to let them find similarities to comfort you. Although it may hurt a little to say this, it is true that the class Committee is too friendly to everyone, and the friendly parties may not realize this, so it is necessary to stand up and talk to a bad person.
Our writing practice is a process of forgetting the past writing habits and mastering a writing style again.
The more you forget your original writing habits, the more you don't follow them, the better you are likely to write, even if your crooked handwriting at first is not as good as the original.
It's like the magical power in some novels. Only by abolishing the original kung fu can we learn this excellent new kung fu. The old ones don't go, and the new ones don't come. Being in an empty cup mentality can accommodate more new things, new methods and new ideas. Habits are hard to change. You need to use your present self to fight against your familiar self in the past. It takes time and meditation.
Practice writing, write quickly, show your true colors, and write out the past words.
Write slowly, especially in regular script.
How slow? At least not faster than Mr. Abu.
I want to finish two fonts of a word in 10 minutes, and punch in 18 words. I can't write well with my own experience.
Everyone's foundation is different, and it takes different time to write a word in regular script and lines.
At my level, it will take at least an hour to finish writing this page of gold plaid copybook. Here, I don't advocate that the longer the better, but I want to write in a state of no hurry or impatience.
The first condition for meditation is to have time. A state of anxiety is not a state that can be written well.
Writing requires meditation and writing as early as possible, which may be the quietest time of the day except sleeping.
I used to get up early 1.5 hours, take a nap for half an hour, and make a net profit 1 hour. I kept energetic for a few days, and the effect was very good. Later, I stayed up late because of something, but I will continue to try early.
When you are upset, you can adjust it by meditating for 5- 10 minutes. With some meditation voice guidance and meditation music, the effect will be better.
Before practicing calligraphy here, I wrote at the same speed, rhythm and intensity.
After reading teacher Abu's demonstration, I realized that writing hard pen calligraphy has rhythm. I thought this was the patent of China's calligraphy.
The speed and intensity in the above eight points can be understood as rhythm. Watching the teacher write, the speed and strength of different strokes of a word are different, which reflects the change of thickness. If the speed of each stroke is the same when writing, and there is no rhythm change, then the word will appear dull, especially the running script.
Have you ever carefully observed the strokes of each word, or practiced strokes, and it is difficult to imitate them if you write casually?
There is a small incision when entering the pen, and a small angle change begins when the pen and paper are lightly touched.
These contents are all in the video, so you need to watch them more and watch them carefully. It's not easy to start writing directly after writing.
The function of Jinge is not only to indicate the left and right center of gravity distribution of the word "You", but also to indicate the starting point, angle, length, radian and end point of each stroke. In short, it is to tell you whether the position of the strokes is right or not, and what is the difference from the example words. Among them, writing is particularly critical. If the pen is in the wrong position, the word will be destroyed by half.
There is a difference between copybooks and video examples. Personally, I feel that the text in the video is better, and I can imitate the writing in the video. But it depends on personal preference.
A copybook is enough for you to write one word in regular script and running script 44 times each, and then hand in the last 9 words as homework. Look at your copybook, whether the more you write, the better, even if it is only part of it.
Every time you finish writing a word, you should stop and have a look, check it by yourself against the video. When writing the second word, correct the mistakes found in the previous word. The more discoveries, the more corrections, the more iterations and the better writing.
To some extent, it is a game of finding fault with everyone, or it means being a student committee member.
The function of class committee's comments is to point out the problems that can't be found or solved in their own iteration, and those simple and clear problems should be solved by themselves.
It can be understood that every day the class committee will give you an opportunity to help you find faults. Cherish this opportunity and use it if you can't find obvious problems.
In addition, if you have time, you can also look at the evaluation of others by the monitor and academic Committee, and you can learn from others and accelerate your growth.
So much for sharing.
thank you