The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), founded in 1904, is the largest international accounting organization in the world. ACCA's international status is very important. When the United Nations determines its global curriculum, it is also based on ACCA's curriculum.
The Canadian Association of Certified General Accountants (CGA- Canada) is an accounting professional group established with the approval of the Canadian Parliament. It is an active member of four international accounting organizations: International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), Pan American Institute of Accounting (IAA), Asia-Pacific Federation of Accountants (CAPA) and International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). CGA (Canadian Certified Public Accountant) enjoys a high international credibility, and members of the association can practice in Canada and sign audit reports independently; Or engage in advanced finance and enterprise management around the world.
CA(certificate Authority) is the international name of a certification authority, which refers to the institution that issues, manages and cancels digital certificates for digital certificate applicants. The role of CA is to check the legitimacy of the certificate holder's identity and issue certificates (sign certificates) to prevent certificates from being forged or tampered with.
A digital certificate is actually a record stored in a computer, and it is a statement issued by CA, which proves the unique correspondence between the certificate subject ("certificate applicant" becomes "certificate subject" after being issued with a certificate) and the public key contained in the certificate. The certificate includes the name and relevant information of the certificate applicant, the applicant's public key, the digital signature of the CA that issued the certificate and the validity period of the certificate. The function of digital certificate is to make the two sides of online transaction verify each other's identities and ensure the normal conduct of e-commerce.
International Association of Accountants