Ji Chang and Princess Taiyou have ten sons: the eldest son Bo Yikao, the second son Fa, the third son Xian, the fourth son Du, the sixth son Zhen Duo, the seventh son Wu, the eighth Zi Chu, the ninth son Feng and the tenth son Ji Zi. In BC 1046, after the King of Wu conquered the Shang Dynasty, Kundi became a generous hero. So the third brother was in charge of new things; Lu's fourth brother; The fifth brother is in Cai; Sixth brother Zhen Duo Yu Cao; Wu Yucheng, the seventh brother; Eight brothers are in Huo. When nine brothers were sealed, ten brothers were young, but they were not sealed.
After the death of King Wu, his prince was declared the son of heaven in order to become king. When the king was young, Zhou Gongdan was a member of the royal family. Guan Shu Xian, Cai Shudu and Huo Shu all suspected that Zhou Gongdan was not fit to be king, and held Wu Geng, the son of Zhou Wang, hostage for the insurrection. Duke of Zhou accepted the orders of the King of Qi, punished Wu Geng, killed Guan Shu, released Cai Shu, and split the adherents of the former Shang Dynasty into two parts, one of which was Wei (the younger brother) of the Song Dynasty; One of the nine uncles was sealed in Wei, and the tenth uncle was published in Shen. So I recommend Zhou Sikou as the topic and Zhou as the season.
The vassal state of Jijizhai was in Shen (now Linquan County, Anhui Province) and was a viscount. The descendants of Shen Jun take the country as their surname, which is called Shen's. 540 years later, in the 14th year of Zhou and 13th year of Cai Zhaohou, that is, in 506 BC, Shen was destroyed by his kin. Shen Shi clans scattered in Kyushu Island, one of which moved to Taihe County, Anhui Province, and moved to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. So far, Shen surnames in Zhejiang and Fujian are still the most popular.
At the end of Sui Dynasty, Shen Faxing, a native of Wukang, Huzhou (Deqing County, Zhejiang Province), was a powerful county with thousands of clans and was appointed as the chief of Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. In 6 18, he set out in the name of conquering Yu Wenhuaji and got 60,000 chosen men. Capturing more than ten counties, such as Yuhang (Hangzhou), Piling (Changzhou, Jiangsu) and Danyang (Danyang County, Jiangsu), was called "General Manager of Jiangnan Road", the next year was called "Tianmen Gong", and soon it was called Liang Wang. Year number "Yankang". Soon defeated by Li Zitong, the general of the Tang Dynasty, he threw himself into the river. Therefore, the Shen Shi family embedded in the army should try to avoid persecution in the future. Therefore, the water side of Shenzi was removed and changed to Youzi, which is often said in the clan to "save Youzi by removing water". Later, the family moved to Shouyang County, Shanxi Province. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, there were three brothers, You Chongren, You Chongyi and You Chongli, all in charge of the capital of the Tang Dynasty.
After the Anshi Rebellion in the Tang Dynasty, the national strength gradually declined. In the late Tang dynasty, it was already a situation of separatist regime, eunuch dictatorship and party struggle, and class contradictions were difficult to alleviate. The empire of the Tang Dynasty was in jeopardy. In the eleventh year of the Tang Dynasty, in 859 AD, the southwest minority regime Nanzhao rebelled against the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty occupied Bozhou (now the land of southern Chongqing and northern Guizhou). In 874 AD, in the first year of Ganfu, Tang Xizong decided to recover lost territory. Yu Chongren, You Chongyi and You Chongli, who were in charge of the imperial edict at that time, supervised the southern expedition. Shortly after the re-broadcast, You Chongyi was appointed as the hereditary broadcasting ambassador. The following year, the seedlings of Wengshui (now bamboo collection in Weng 'an County, Guizhou Province) in central Guizhou changed, and the court ordered its overseers to suppress them and ordered them to stay in the town. You Chongren returned to Chang 'an to be reinstated, and You Chongli returned to Taiyuan to guard. Therefore, there are still many people living in Taiyuan, Shanxi and xi, Shaanxi. The descendants of Chongrenzu are still surnamed You; Worship the descendants of Li's ancestors, especially those who still have surnames.
After the death of You Chongyi, the eldest son You Hajj took over as the ambassador of Bozhou Xuanwei, and the other sons were Chao Feng, Chao Bo and Chao. In the first year of Tang Guangming (AD 880), Huang Chao peasant army captured Chang 'an and fled to Shu. In particular, he was ordered to pay homage to the king and was killed in several provinces. After returning to Chang 'an, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty mourned the fallen soldiers, presented a pilgrimage to Wan Huhou as a sowing urn, and set up a shrine for the spring and autumn festival. You, a descendant of You Haqi, was named "You Regret" when Song Jiaxi was admitted to the Imperial Palace in four years (it is said to be Ning). Therefore, he was endowed with the words "be fierce and still be righteous" by the Book of Songs. Xiaoya picked chrysanthemums and gave them to Yi Taishi. From then on, you's surname came into being.
The main settlements are Weng 'an County, Zunyi City, Tongzi County, Suiyang County, xiuwen county, Meitan County, Guiyang County, Anshun City, Zhenning County, Zhenfeng County and Xingren County. Wansheng District of Chongqing, Qijiang City, Nanchuan City, Jiangjin County, Guang 'an of Sichuan, Zheng Xiong of Yunnan and other places.
I recommend going to the surname spectrum and hope to adopt it!