The special signature is a personal signature. An autograph is an autograph, which needs to be written by the author himself without the help of any artificial intelligence. To make a signature, you borrow a seal, dip it in ink pad, and just print it on directly. A special signature means that the author will write you a blessing message. It has more words than a personal signature and is more valuable for collection. A common signature refers to the signature of an ordinary person. Except for special signatures and personal signatures, all signatures can be imitated.
A brief introduction
Whether it is a printed signature, special signature, seal or other form of signature, it is safer to sign in person. Because the current level of technology is indeed very high. Your seal can be copied anytime and anywhere. Only your own signature style is difficult for others to copy, especially artistic signatures that are impossible for many people to imitate. Therefore, it is ideal to sign it yourself.
Book one
1, Lu Xun (1881-19360), formerly known as Zhou Shuren, is a tale