This is a medical term, biw means twice a week. Qd means once a day, BID means twice a day, and Tid means three times a day.
Commonly used abbreviations for medical orders
qd means once a day
bid means twice a day
tid three times a day
qid four times a day
qh once an hour
q2h once every two hours
q4h every four hours
q6h every six hours
qn every night
qod every other day
biw every Twice a week
hs before going to bed
am morning pm afternoon
St immediately
DC stop, cancel
< p>prn When needed (long-term)sos When needed (limited to one use, valid within 12 hours)
ac Before meals pc After meals
12n Noon 12 o'clock
12mn 12 o'clock midnight
gtt drip
ID intradermal injection
H subcutaneous injection
IM intramuscular injection
IV intravenous injection
The RP in the upper left corner of the prescription means "please take it". If a certain medicine is followed by qd,
bid , tid, respectively represent once a day, twice a day, and three times a day. If it is po, m, h, v, ivgtt, they represent oral, intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection, intravenous injection, intravenous drip, etc., and there are many more. aa——each et——and, and Rp.——take, please take sig./S.
——usage, instructions St./Stat.——immediately, rapidly Cit.——rapidly s.o.s.—as necessary
p.r.n—as necessary a.c.—before meals p.c.—after meals a.m.—morning
p.m.—afternoon q.n.—every night h.s.— — q.h. before bed — q.d. every hour —
— 1 time a day B.i.d. — 2 times a day T.i.d. — 3 times a day Q.i.d. — 4 times a day
q.4h. - every 4 hours p.o. - Oral ad - Internal ad
us.ext. - Topical H. - Subcutaneous injection im./M. - —Intramuscular injection iv./V.——
Intravenous injection iv gtt.——Intravenous drip Inhal.——Inhalation O.D.——Right eye O.L.
——Left eye O.S. ——One eye O.U.——Both eyes No./N.——Number, individual s.s—
—Half ug.—Microgram mg.—Milligram g.—Gram kg.—Kilogram (kg )
ml.——ml L.——liter q.s——appropriate amount Ad.——add to Aq.——water
Aq.dest.——distilled water Ft.—— —Mixed into Dil—Diluted M.D.S.—Mixed
Administer to Co./Comp.—Compound Mist—Mixture Pulv.—Powder Amp.
—Ampoule Emul. - Emulsion Syr. - Syrup Tr. - Tincture Neb. -
Spray Garg. - Gargle rtt./gutt. - Drops, eye drops collyr .——Eye wash
Ocul.——Eye ointment Liq.——Solution Sol.——Solution Lot.——Lotion
Linim.——Liniment Crem. ——Ointment (cold cream) Ung.——Ointment Past.
——Paste Ol.——Oil Enem.——Enema Supp.——Suppository Tab.——
—Tablet Pil.—Pill Caps.—Capsule Inj.—Injection if it is a prescription
It is not commonly used, generally qd, qid, bid, tid, iv, ivgtt. As to whether it should be taken orally or for other purposes
Doctor's order
refers to the medical instructions issued by the physician during medical activities. The physician collects a detailed medical history, carefully conducts a physical examination, and conducts necessary imaging and experiments. In-room examinations are conducted, the first course of illness is recorded and medical records are written in a timely manner, and the medical orders are issued after a preliminary diagnosis is made. The medical instructions include: nursing routines, nursing levels, diet types, body positions, various examinations and treatments, drug names, dosages and usages. The content of the medical order and the start and stop times should be written by the physician. The contents of medical orders should be accurate and clear. Each medical order should contain only one content and indicate the time of issuance, which should be specific to the minute. Doctor's orders may not be altered. When cancellation is required, the word "Cancel" should be marked in red ink and signed. Generally, physicians are not allowed to give oral medical orders. When oral medical orders need to be given to rescue critical patients, the nurse should repeat them. After the rescue, the doctor should immediately write down the medical instructions according to the actual situation. Medical orders are divided into long-term medical orders and temporary medical orders.
The content of the long-term medical order includes the patient's name, department, hospitalization record number (or medical record number), page number, start date and time, content of the long-term medical order, stop date and time, physician's signature, execution time, and execution nurse's signature.
The content of the temporary medical order includes the time of the medical order, the content of the temporary medical order, the physician's signature, the execution time, the execution nurse's signature, etc.