Modify the core.jar first.
Open core.jar.out/smali/java/security/MessageDigest.smali..
Search. Method public static isEqual, there is only one place.
. Method public static is equal([B[B]Z
. Locals 4
. Parameter "digesta"
. Parameter "digestb"
. preface
const/4 v 1,0x0
. Line 302
Array length v2, p0
Array length v3, p 1
if-eq v2,v3,:cond_ 1
. Line 3 10
. Ending method
Delete everything below. Preface and above. End the method and keep it. Line XXX is below the first line. Delete the preface before.
Enter const/4 v0, 0x 1 on the following line. Line XXX (for example, I have line302 here), leave a blank line, and then enter return v0 in the next line.
It's like this after modification.
. Method public static is equal([B[B]Z
. Locals 1
. Parameter "digesta"
. Parameter "digestb"
. preface
. Line 302
const/4 v0,0x 1
Return to v0
. Ending method
After this modification, apk can be installed as long as it is signed, regardless of whether the signed apk has been modified or not.