Personalized signature means that after you register in a BBS, you can set your own signature, that is, the text displayed at the bottom of each post looks like a comment.
Because every netizen writes different words, such as aphorisms, proverbs, teasing sentences and so on. , but also with pictures and animations as signatures, full of personality and different styles.
It is natural to advertise for yourself, the company and the products by mass mailing or regularly sending emails with greeting cards and business card signature files, and you can also send warm and beautiful personalized wishes to your friends on time.
/iknow-pic . cdn . BCE Bos . com/d 62 a 6059252 DD 42 a 3 AC 005 AC 0 c 3 b 5 bb 5 c 8 eab 8 ef " target = " _ blank " title = " " class = " ikqb _ img _ alink " & gt; /iknow-pic . cdn . BCE Bos . com/d 62 a 6059252 DD 42 a 3c 005 AC 0 c 3 b 5 bb 5 c 8 eab 8 ef? x-BCE-process = image % 2f resize % 2Cm _ lfit % 2Cw _ 600% 2Ch _ 800% 2c limit _ 1% 2f quality % 2Cq _ 85% 2f format % 2Cf _ auto " esrc = "/ d62a 6059252 DD 42 ad 3ac 005 AC 0 C3 b5 bb 5 c 8 ea b8 ef "/>;