Unless otherwise specified, all welds are continuous. All unmarked welds are continuous welds.
All welds are 3 mm fillet welds, unless otherwise specified, the fillet weld height is 3 mm.
All unspecified RADI-R3 are not rounded R3.
Remove all burrs and sharp edges, chamfer all sharp corners and remove hair.
1 1 total coil APROX.9 working coil APROX. Only the right hand is wound, and the end is wound into a square.
The total number of turns is about 1 1 turn; The number of working circles is about 9; Right-handed; The end of the spring is ground flat for easy contact.
RSA 708 angle steel 70X70X8
M30x 1.5 pitch M30x 1.5 taper thread
Abbreviation of external diameter 1/4 "and external dimension 1/4" go directly to 1/4 ".
75 CRS size 75 is made of cold-rolled steel plate.
4 10 opening reference 4 10 opening reference size
40 Reference size is 40, reference value
2.5 inch BSP 2.5 inch tapered pipe thread
2.5 inch BSPT Hexagonal 2.5 inch Hexagonal Tapered Pipe Thread (i.e. twine)
30X2.5 flat steel 30x2.5 flat steel
Female buckle: internal buckle (female buckle)
Male: external buckle (male buckle)
eccentric axis
PIN pin
Screw screw
Bearing shaft
Retaining ring closed ring
Clip spring
Spring spring
clamping/terminal screw
Round nut round nut
Ping Jian, Ping Jian
Round nut round nut
hexagonal-head bolt
No buckle length
flat washer
Nut full nylon lock nut
Hexagon socket head screw
Hexagon HD fixing screw
Bearing spacer sleeve of bearing spacer ring
Deep groove ball bearing
slotted pan head tapping screw
conical roller bearing
axial contact ball bearing
Spring washer Single ring spring washer
Abbreviation full name translation
Access attachment
ADPT adapter adaptation
ADV advance
Aluminium aluminium
Allow allow
Substitution change
Aluminum alloy
Amount and quantity
ANL annealing exercise
ANSL national institute of sexually transmitted diseases
About about
ASME American society of mechanical engineers
put together
Assembly assembly
Automatic automatic automatic
AUX auxiliary
AVG average
american wire gauge
BC bolt circumference
Bet between ...
BEV bevel angle
BHN brinell hardness value
BLK blank, block blank
Bill of materials material cost
Bottom bottom
BP or B/P blueprint blueprint
BRG bearings
BRK fault
BRKT bracket
BRO broach drilling
BRS brass
BRZ bronze
B&S Brown & Shape Brown & Shape
Basic foundation
Bushing casing
BWG Birmingham wire gauge
Center to center, center to center
Computer aided drawing computer aided design
Computer aided manufacturing
Capacity capacity
Cap SCR cap screw nut
Drilling and reaming
Drilling drill
CDS cold-drawn steel
Abbreviation full name translation
EFF effective
Annex, annex, annex, annex, annex, annex, annex, annex, annex, annex, annex
Engineer, engineer, engineer
Engineer engineering
Exhaust gas consumption
EXP experimental
External extension, external scope, external
FabFabrice forgery
FAO ended everything.
FDRY casting
Graphic graphic data
Filling belt
FIM full indicator movement
Fin arrangement
FLX fixture structure
FLX floor. Fluid, flushing base, liquid, flushing.
FLG flange edge
Forging practice
Front frame
FIG assembly equipment
Furnish Furnish provides
Forward, forward
GA gauge
Galvanizing electroplating
GR grade grade
GRD grinding
GRV ditch
GSKT washer
Hardening and grinding of H&G
High definition head trunk line
HDL handle processing
HDLS headless and leaderless
HDN· harden
HDW hardware hardware
HGR hanger hanger
HGT height height
HRS hot rolled steel
HSG housing cover
HT TR heat treatment
Abbreviation full name translation
NTS is not in proportion.
Overall office automation
OBS Obsotetc
OC is in the center
Outer diameter outer diameter
OPP against the opposition
Optional optional
Or outer radius
Original original
Pat. patent
Pattern form
PC block, pitch circle, pitch circle
PCH punch stamping
PD pitch circle diameter
PERF punch
Permanent perm
PFD preferred preferred
PKG packaging, packaging packaging
PL parting line, position, plate
PNEU Pncumatic
PNL panel panel
POL polishing
Position, positive position
Public relations versus opposition
PRI elementary basic
PROC process program
Produce products, produce products, output
Pounds per square inch
Point part, point part, point
Quarter of QTR region
Quantity quantity quantity quantity
QUAL quality quality
Radius radius
La Rockwell Harden, Grade A
RB rockwell hardness, class b
RC rockwell hardness, class c
RECD Received received
Rectangular rectangle
REF reference correlation
REL release, release, release
REM removal removal
Ask for it.
Reed retainer, return
REV reverse, revision, rotation
RFS regardless of feature size
RGH rough rough
Right side right side
RIV rivet wrinkling
RM hinge extension
Near rndrround
revolutions per minute
RPW resistance projection welding
societyof automotive engineers
SCH schedule schedule
Abbreviation full name translation
CFS cold-worked steel
CH surface hardening
Chamfering bevel of cavity
Change the channel
CHG change change
CHK check verification
CI cast iron
CIR circle
CL center line
Clpcamp clip
Computer numerical control
Comb combined joint
COML business
CONC concentric concentric
Connector connector
COV cover cover
CPLG coupling connection
CQ commercial grade steel
CRS cold and venereal disease association
Cathode ray tube
CS cast steel cast iron
Canadian STD Association
CSK countersink
CSTG casting company
Center center
Cubic cubic meter
Clockwise clockwise
Cylindrical cylinder
DBL double double
decimal fraction
degree Celsius
DET details
DEV development
Draft DFT draft
Diameter diameter
Size dimension
Distance distance
Downward downward
Diameter pitch depth
Drill doctor, drill pipe drilling
DSGN design company
DVTL dovetail matching
Drawing drawings by DWG
DWL wooden nail
Dwnddraw pull out
Each EA
Abbreviation full name translation
HVY heavyweight
hydraulic pressure
Inner diameter
Inch inch
INCL includes, among others
Increase INCR increase
Information information
Inspection inspection
INSTL Install installation
Mechanism description, instrument description, tools
Internal, internal, internal intersection, internal, cross
IR inner radius
ISO internal standards organization international organization for standardization
JCT hub ring line
JNT daily magazine
JT joint connection
K bond
KNRL knurled hard part
KST keyway
KWY keyway
LBL label
LG length
LH left hand left hand
LMC minimum material condition
LOC positioning is located at
LT lamp
Lubricating oil lubrication
MACH machine
Material material material
Maximum value
Culture medium
Manufacturing manufacturing
malleable (cast) iron
Min, min, sec
Millimeter millimeter
MMC maximum material condition
MS mechanical steel
MTG mold equipment
MULT multiple
MWG music wire Gagug
Not applicable, not applicable
NATL countries
Digital computer control
Negation, negation and neglect
No, the number
NPSM national zhiguan machinery company
NPT Natl conical tube
Abbreviation full name translation
SCR screw
Seconds seconds.
Sectarian part
Separation and independence
SEQ sequence
Series series
SERR sawtooth
SF spotlight
SFT axis
SGL single
Shanghai paper
SI international system of units
SL slides to make it slide.
Sleeve of slv
SOC socket
SP space, separated, spare space
SPL is very special.
SPG spring jump
SPRKT sprocket tooth
Square square
Stainless steel pure iron
STD standard
STK inventory
Steel cast iron
Straight line and straight belt
Super supply, support supply
Surfing surface
System system
Teeth, teeth
Technology technology technology
Temporary template, temporary template, temporary
Thread line
THK thick
Tolerance tolerance tolerance
TOT total total
TPF taper per foot
TPI taper per inch, thread per inch
TPR cone
TS tool steel
TYP is typical
UNC unified national standard
UNEF unified country extra fine
United Nations Foundation National Uniform Fine
UNIV Universal is Universal.
volatile variables
Vertical vertical vertical.
Volume volume
VS is the opposite of. ...
Wide width
Washing machine washing machine
Wdwood ruff clover
wrought iron
Weight weight
Example of SAE superfine thread of SAE superfine thread: 1/2-28 SAE superfine thread.
Example of American Society of Automotive Engineers standard series thread: 1/2-20.
Example of taper external thread of American Society of Automotive Engineers: 1/2-28