Dress code for people attending memorial service
Pay attention to dress etiquette when attending the funeral. Dress with simplicity and solemnity as the principle. Take off the necklace and fashion earrings before mourning, and put on heavy makeup for light makeup. Wear formal mourning clothes, dark suits or dresses. Women who have just lost their spouses should wear simple and dark clothes. Teenagers should wear simple clothes. Young people, receptionists and pallbearers wear the same clothes, with dark-colored shirts and black ties, and black shoes on their feet.
Sacrificial etiquette
The style of funeral supplies should reflect the mourning for the deceased and should be carefully selected. Generally, handles, elegiac couplets and wreaths are used. In order to show respect for the dead, some people wrote down most of the scrolls and elegies themselves. At this time, words must be carefully considered, especially elegiac couplets. In addition, taking money as a libation has become the most common form and the most economical sacrifice. Money is usually singular, wrapped in white paper, and the name and unit of the giver are written on the cover. If the funerals of relatives and friends get together, it can not only solve the funeral expenses, but also reduce part of the burden for the parties, which not only comforts the dead, but also helps the living, killing two birds with one stone.
Mourning etiquette
It is also called mourning to receive the news of the death of relatives, friends and colleagues. When mourning, we should express our deep condolences, be serious and sincere, and we must not be casual and procrastinating, giving people a feeling of carelessness and indifference. This is both a blasphemy and an insult to the living.
When you know the news of the death of your relatives and friends, you should mourn immediately, and you should not deliberately delay. It is a serious faux pas not to know. When attending a memorial service, one or several people can usually send a wreath to express their grief, or they can send a bill. The memorial service has strict etiquette requirements, from dress to elegy, and there are certain norms.
Memorial services are generally held at the location of the remains, and some are held in funeral homes or crematoriums. Make full preparations before the meeting and arrange the venue according to the above requirements. The mourners entrusted in advance greet relatives and friends and mourners on behalf of relatives at the entrance of the venue, and distribute yellow flowers, white flowers and black gauze. After everything is ready, the memorial service can be officially held at the appointed time.
Don't be late for the funeral. After arriving on time, write down your name in the autograph book and get the corresponding items to wear, gently walk into the funeral venue and bow to the deceased. After saluting, don't turn around and leave immediately, but also sincerely comfort the families of the deceased for their losses. Pay attention to the ways and means when comforting the bereaved, and don't rush to discourage the other person from crying. Because crying can vent inner pain, relieve mental stress and restore psychological balance. If most people salute together, one person can be designated as the main sacrifice at this time, and others can accompany them to burn incense, offer flowers and bow. Don't forget to comfort your family after saluting. After the salute, you should leave the scene as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary trouble to your family.
People who have lost their loved ones need the support and care of others most. Don't think that after the funeral, your heart will arrive. Caring and helping those who have lost their loved ones from time to time is a great help to them and will make them grateful to you. The best way to comfort them is to chat with them more and ask them to go out for fun to relieve their heavy mood.
expert opinion/advice
(1) oral mourning. Go to an oral funeral in person. At this time, you should look sad and behave solemnly.
(2) write a funeral letter. The letter should specify the relationship between the deceased and the mourners, the cause of death, the date of death and the place and time of the memorial service.
(3) Posting and publishing obituaries. When writing the obituary, we should pay attention to the general situation, simple experience and the time and place of the memorial service for the dead. The language of obituaries should be concise and solemn. The paper for writing obituaries must be white or yellow, and the ink should be black. And send it before the funeral.